In April, police shot and injured Mapuche crisis intensified by the government’s inaction leader Alberto Curamil while detaining him in providing accommodation and assistance following a protest and then denied him to people seeking protection or providing immediate treatment. The protest was in resources to support them. support of Elena Paine, a Mapuche leader In April, a new migration law entered into whose house had been set on fire the day force that severely restricts the ability of before. migrants and individuals seeking protection SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS to regulate their status once in Chile. Over 500 people were expelled without due Congress rejected a bill which would have process in what could amount to collective decriminalized abortion in the first 14 weeks expulsions as a result of a government of pregnancy. Legal abortion therefore deportation plan. In some cases, people were remained restricted to three specific informed late on a Friday that they would be circumstances. deported that weekend, making it harder to Chile reached a friendly settlement before challenge the expulsion. The National the Inter-American Commission on Human Human Rights Institute reported that in one Rights, admitting responsibility for the forced case the police deceived Venezuelan sterilization of a woman with HIV in 2002, nationals to get them to sign expulsion and agreed to implement measures to ensure orders, telling them they were registration informed consent and access to health papers. services without discrimination for people with HIV. 1. “Chile: Amnesty International demands investigations into Carabineros’ former and current Director Generals for human rights LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS violations”, 21 July A bill legalizing same-sex marriage was approved and Congress continued to review anti-discrimination legislation. CHINA HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS People’s Republic of China Harassment and attacks against Head of state: Xi Jinping environmental defenders continued. For Head of government : Li Keqiang example, death threats were made against Verónica Vilches, an activist working to The human rights situation across China defend the right to water in the Petorca continued to deteriorate. Human rights province, and against Marcela Nieto, a lawyers and activists reported harassment member of the women’s movement and intimidation; unfair trials; arbitrary, combating air and water pollution in the incommunicado and lengthy detention; and Quintero-Puchuncaví sector, one of Chile’s torture and other ill-treatment for simply “sacrifice zones” (geographic areas exercising their right to freedom of experiencing environmental damage or expression and other human rights. The economic disinvestment). government continued a campaign of A proposed law to ensure recognition of political indoctrination, arbitrary mass human right defenders was introduced into detention, torture and forced cultural Congress in November. assimilation against Muslims living in Xinjiang. Thousands of Uyghur children REFUGEES' AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS were separated from their parents. The Thousands of people, mostly Venezuelans, National Security Law for Hong Kong tried to enter Chile on foot across the enabled human rights violations which were northern border near the town of Colchane. unprecedented since the establishment of At least 20 people died amid a humanitarian the Special Administrative Region. There Amnesty International Report 2021/22 124