JOURNALISTS AND MEDIA strike action over poor working conditions The authorities continued to attack, and arrears in the payment of doctors’ intimidate and harass radio broadcasters that salaries and allowances. On 30 May, when hosted opposition figures, in some cases the strike began, police arrested Chikonde damaging their property. In February, PF Mukula, Secretary General of RDAZ, and cadres attempted to disrupt a Liberty Radio charged him with espionage. The charges programme which featured Harry Kalaba, the were later dropped after civil society activists leader of the Democratic Party, causing intervened. In June, Brian Sampa was damage to property. In the same month, they sacked from a government post by the disrupted a live Radio Luswepo programme Ministry of Health, for inciting doctors to which was hosting Harry Kalaba, again participate in a week-long go-slow. In the damaging the studio’s property. In March, same month, the Police Inspector General they fired tear gas into the Radio Chete studio threatened to arrest anyone attending Zoom in Nakonde for airing a programme which meetings, under the newly enacted cyber featured the UPND provincial chairman. In crimes law. June, unidentified people set fire to Tensions escalated ahead of the elections, Kalungwishi radio station in Chiengi district in with violence by both PF and UPND cadres. the early hours of the morning. Police used live ammunition and tear gas on The authorities continued to try and close 5 June in the Copperbelt Province to disperse leading private media outlets by using the unarmed UPND supporters who were Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) to escorting the party leader Hakainde intimidate, harass and threaten them with Hichilema’s convoy. On 15 June, the closure for hosting discussions with Electoral Commission of Zambia suspended opposition political parties, saying it was electoral campaigns for 14 days in the “unprofessional conduct”. The IBA issued Lusaka, Mpulungu, Nakonde and Namwala several warnings against Muvi TV and in May districts. it was given a final warning. In July, a Socialist Party council candidate In May, journalists Francis Mwiinga and was murdered by unidentified people who Nancy Malwele, who covered PF intra-party then set fire to his body. Later that month, factional disputes, were injured in an attack two PF youths were murdered in Kanyama by PF supporters, who also seized their township by suspected UPND supporters. equipment. In July, UPND cadres attacked Following their deaths, President Lungu journalist Victor Mwila, from Ikelen’gi district. deployed the army, air force and national The authorities later replaced the equipment service to assist police with law and order in that had been taken from him by his the election run-up. On election day, the PF attackers. Provincial Chairperson for the North West In August, the IBA granted Prime Television Province, Jackson Kungo, was murdered. His an operating licence, 16 months after killers were suspected to be UPND cadres. withdrawing it on “public interest” grounds. Several other people, accused of trying to rig FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY the election in Solwezi, were manhandled and injured. Former police officer Jeyson Musonda was UNLAWFUL KILLINGS AND IMPUNITY arrested on 2 June for staging a one-man demonstration against the Inspector General In February, police constable Fanwell of Police and his use of police officers to Nyundu was arrested on two counts of abuse people. murder and went on trial in November. The The police threatened to arrest Brian charges related to the December 2020 killing Sampa, president of the Resident Doctors of two unarmed protesters after police Association of Zambia (RDAZ), after he opened fire on UPND supporters who had convened a meeting on 19 May calling for Amnesty International Report 2021/22 411