people and pardoned nine others who had vaccination campaign in Abidjan for 10 days opposed his candidacy. in light of the Omicron variant. RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND RIGHT TO FOOD REPARATION In July, Ivorians used social media to In January, the authorities began field denounce the high cost of living and a surge investigations into the electoral violence in the price of basic necessities, including committed between August and November food, which caused hardship for large 2020. In December, the public prosecutor sections of the population. The National presented the final report of the Special Institute for Statistics reported that the price Investigations Unit which said that 273 of food and non-alcoholic drinks increased by people were suspected of committing crimes; 8.8% between August 2020 and August 233 of them had already been apprehended, 2021. The prime minister met various people most of whom were provisionally released or involved in the consumer goods supply chain subjected to judicial supervision, while 11 to find a solution to rising prices, and remained in pretrial detention. announced that the activities of the National In March, the ICC acquitted Laurent Committee Against the High Cost of Living Gbagbo and the former minister of youth would be strengthened in order to control Charles Blé Goudé of all charges of crimes market prices. against humanity. They had been tried in RIGHT TO HOUSING connection with alleged crimes committed during the 2010-2011 post-election violence. In October, the homes of thousands of people In July, the ICC lifted an arrest warrant were demolished in Banco Nord Extension 2 against the former first lady, Simone Gbagbo, on orders from the municipal authorities in issued in connection with charges of crimes Yopougon, a suburb of Abidjan, without their against humanity allegedly carried out during being provided with alternative housing. The the same period. demolitions occurred days after the On 15 April, an Abidjan court found former community began legal procedures to stop militia leader Amadé Ouérémi guilty of crimes their eviction. The government had relocated against humanity for acts committed during them to the area over 30 years earlier. the 2011 post-electoral violence. SEXUAL AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE RIGHT TO HEALTH In October, the General and Institutional The government began its Covid-19 Affairs Committee of the National Assembly vaccination programme in March. It unanimously adopted a law specifying that responded to the low vaccination take-up survivors of sexual and gender-based with an awareness-raising campaign, and in violence do not need to provide a medical July set up 12 mobile clinics in Abidjan to certificate as proof of abuse when making a boost access to vaccines. On 8 September, complaint. Under the law, if the police or the government announced that it would prosecutor require such proof, the victim will permit the use of a mixture of Covid-19 not bear the prohibitive cost of certificates vaccinations in order to increase vaccination which had previously prevented survivors rates after it ran out of AstraZeneca supplies. from seeking justice. In the same month, it also announced a campaign to boost vaccinations in the Grand 1. “Côte d’Ivoire: Hundreds arrested languishing in detention following Abidjan region for those most at risk, presidential election unrest”, 26 March including people over 60, people with underlying health problems, health workers, defence and security forces, and teachers. In December, the government renewed a Amnesty International Report 2021/22 138