In March in Ouaka prefecture, elements of EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS the Union pour la paix en Centrafrique In the context of the conflict, Central African (affiliated with the CPC) tortured and killed armed forces and their allies carried out three traders for participating in the by- extrajudicial executions of people suspected legislative election process. The victims’ of belonging to or supporting the CPC. bodies were found with their voter cards tied According to the UN, on 3 January, six around their necks. people detained on suspicion of being The UN Working Group on the use of members of the CPC, including a young boy, mercenaries reported that in February, were executed in an army camp in Mbomou following clashes in the town of Bambari, prefecture. In February in Ouaka prefecture, national forces and their allies targeted a three men were executed by members of the mosque, killing 14 people including a woman national forces and their allies. Between and a child. A health facility was also targeted March and June, the UN documented in contravention of international humanitarian executions by national forces and their allies law. According to Médecins Sans Frontières, of at least 17 people, including civilians and a 36 war-wounded people, including eight minor, in the prefectures of Bamingui- women and nine children aged 17 months to Bangoran, Ouham Pendé and Nana Gribizi. 17 years, were treated at the health centre in VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS Bambari. According to the OCHA, in June, national Cases of violence against women and girls forces and their allies closed and burnt down were reported by the UN. Six girls aged a camp for internally displaced people in between 14 and 16 were drugged and raped Bambari where some 8,500 people were daily by members of the rebel group Return, living. Reclamation and Rehabilitation (known as According to the UN Multidimensional 3R) at a base in the Nana Mambere area in Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central January. They eventually managed to escape. African Republic (MINUSCA), 228 civilians According to MINUSCA, between January were killed between June and October as a and June, 131 cases of conflict-related result of the conflict. sexual violence, including 115 rapes, 12 The use of improvised explosive devices attempted rapes, one case of sexual slavery was documented by the UN: in the west of and three forced marriages, were the country, in the first half of the year, at documented. The attacks were mostly least 15 civilians – including a child – were attributed to CPC members; 19 were killed, 24 were injured, and two attributed to members of the national forces peacekeepers were also killed. and their allies. From July to October, ATTACKS AGAINST HUMANITARIAN WORKERS MINUSCA received 118 reports of conflict- Attacks on humanitarian workers by armed related sexual violence. groups or unidentified individuals continued RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND as the security situation deteriorated. REPARATION According to the OCHA, as of December, 396 incidents affecting humanitarian workers Despite the requirement under Central were recorded, compared to 424 in 2020. African law that at least six criminal sessions Thefts, robberies, looting, threats and attacks be held per year, none were held in 2021. represented 65% of security incidents. Hundreds of individuals were held in pretrial According to the UN Secretary-General's detention, often after legal time limits had report, three aid workers were killed and 23 expired. others injured between June and October as Investigations by the Special Criminal Court a result of explosive devices. (SCC), the UN-backed hybrid court mandated to investigate and prosecute crimes under international law and other Amnesty International Report 2021/22 119