bore “significant responsibility for having director Cassien Ntamuhanga was arrested enabled a foreseeable genocide”. by Mozambican police; they have since In March, the Prosecutor of the denied any knowledge of his detention. International Residual Mechanism for Unconfirmed reports say he was handed over Criminal Tribunals filed a second amended to the Rwandan embassy in June. He had indictment against Félicien Kabuga, been convicted alongside Kizito Mihigo (see acknowledged as a chief financier of the below, Right to life) in Rwanda and escaped 1994 genocide. He was charged with from prison in 2017. genocide, incitement and conspiracy to RIGHT TO LIFE commit genocide, and three counts of crimes against humanity: persecution on political No independent investigation was carried out grounds, extermination and murder. into the death in custody of popular musician In July, the High Court Special Chamber for Kizito Mihigo in 2020 despite renewed calls International and Transnational Crimes by civil society.4 convicted Jean-Claude Iyamuremye of In September popular rapper Joshua genocide and sentenced him to 25 years in Tusyishime, also known as Jay Polly, died in prison. He was accused of being a leader of custody. He was arrested in April for hosting the Interahamwe militia in Kicukiro during the a party at his home in violation of Covid-19 genocide. regulations. Genocide suspect Beatrice Munyenyezi was Although in 2020 the president and minister extradited from the USA to Rwanda in April to of justice had publicly condemned the use by stand trial. The same month, Marcel individual police officers of excessive force, Hitayezu, a Rwandan priest living in France and committed to holding perpetrators was arrested on genocide charges. Another accountable, reports of police using genocide suspect Venant Rutunga was excessive and at times lethal force, including extradited from the Netherlands in July. In in implementing Covid-19 restrictions, September, two investigating judges in Paris continued. ordered that Philippe Hategekimana be tried in France for genocide and crimes against 1. Rwanda: Ensure Remedy after Fair Trial Violations in Paul humanity among other crimes. In October, Rusesabagina Case (Index: AFR 47/4753/2021), 20 September genocide convict Oswald Rurangwa was 2. “Pegasus Project: Rwandan authorities chose thousands of activists, deported from the USA to Rwanda. journalists and politicians to target with NSO spyware”, 19 July Théoneste Bagosora, a former army colonel, 3. Rwanda: Consideration of UPR Reports (Index: AFR 47/4370/2021), 9 died in September in Mali where he was July serving a 35-year sentence for his role in 4. Rwanda: Call for Independent Investigation into Rwandan Singer masterminding the genocide. Kizito Mihigo’s Death (Index: AFR 47/3799/2021), 8 March ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES Rwanda backtracked on its previous SAUDI ARABIA commitments and rejected recommendations received during the Universal Periodic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Review (UPR) process to ratify the Head of state and government: Salman bin Abdulaziz Convention against Enforced Disappearance. Al Saud During two previous UPR reviews, it first supported and then provisionally supported The crackdown continued on the rights to 3 recommendations to ratify the Convention. freedom of expression, association and Suspected enforced disappearances were assembly. The Specialized Criminal Court reported and disappearances from previous handed down heavy prison terms to years remained unresolved. In May, individuals for their human rights work and Rwandan asylum seeker and former radio expression of dissenting views. Among Amnesty International Report 2021/22 316