nearly three times higher than in 2019 (rising On 27 September, the trial resumed of from nine to 24), and there were 1,149 births members of the Peruvian military accused of to girls under of 14, according to the Ministry systematically raping scores of women in of Health. According to the United Nations Manta (Huancavelica province) more than 35 Population Fund, four girls under 15 years of years earlier, raising hopes that victims of age gave birth every day in Peru during the human rights violations might finally obtain year. truth, justice and reparation. LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS 1. Peru: Authorities Must Redesign and Consult on Action Plan to Draft bills were submitted by a group of Address Health Crisis Caused by Toxic Substances in Espinar (Index: members of congress on legal recognition of AMR 46/4767/2021), 23 September gender identity for transgender people and 2. Failed State of Health: Health Emergency in Indigenous Peoples of marriage equality for same-sex couples. Espinar, Peru (Index: AMR 46/3829/2021), 18 May However, these bills had not been approved by the end of the year. PHILIPPINES REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS Peru hosted more than half a million asylum Republic of the Philippines seekers and more than 1.2 million Head of state and government: Rodrigo Roa Duterte Venezuelan nationals in 2021, 43% of whom were in an irregular situation, preventing Lack of accountability continued to them from accessing rights such as facilitate unlawful killings and other human healthcare. rights violations under the government’s The processing of asylum applications was “war on drugs” campaign. The International suspended in February 2020 due to Covid-19 Criminal Court (ICC) announced an restrictions; the suspension remained in investigation into crimes against humanity. place until the end of 2021. Human rights defenders, political activists In January, the Peruvian government and politicians were subjected to unlawful militarized its borders to restrict the arrival of killings, arbitrary arrest and detention, and asylum seekers and migrants. This led to harassment. Indigenous peoples were the several incidents of intimidation by the target of attacks by the authorities and Peruvian military, such as shooting into the unknown assailants. Inadequate access to air to disperse groups of Venezuelans at the healthcare worsened as Covid-19 infection border. rates rose. Maria Ressa, journalist and critic Two regularization processes for migrants of the “war on drugs”, won a Nobel Peace and asylum seekers were opened, but were Prize but continued to face decades in jail marked by bureaucratic hurdles, prohibitive for pending cases brought against her costs, or arbitrarily not allowing regularization including by the government. of certain groups, such as children and BACKGROUND adolescents in family groups. In December, the regularization process was started for Restrictions remained in place in response to more than 3,000 children and adolescents. the Covid-19 pandemic that RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND disproportionately affected people living in REPARATION poverty. Preparations began for the May 2022 presidential elections. According to the Ombudsperson’s Office, EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS AND only 20% of the bodies of more than 21,000 IMPUNITY people on the National Register of Forced Disappearances related to the internal armed Extrajudicial executions and other human conflict (1980-2000) had been recovered. rights violations continued under the Amnesty International Report 2021/22 298