saying, among other things, “Faure TOGO Gnassingbé will have a tragic end if he does not act quickly to hand over power to the real Togolese Republic winner”, and claiming that Agbéyom Messan Head of state: Faure Gnassingbé Kodjo was the real winner of the 2020 Head of government: Victoire Tomegah Dogbè presidential election. On 9 December the Supreme Court The right to freedom of expression was overturned an HAAC decision to suspend La violated; sanctions were imposed on media Symphonie newspaper for two months, after outlets. A draft freedom of association bill it criticized an HAAC sanction against The threatened to violate human rights. Guardian newspaper. Detainees suffered overcrowding. Health Ferdinand Ayité, editor of L’Alternative, and workers denounced violations of the right to Joël Egah, editor of Fraternité were detained health. Discrimination including violence on 10 December for contempt of public against women continued. officials, and “dissemination of false news”, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION according to their lawyer, after journalists criticized two ministers during broadcasting. Several cases of judicial harassment against They were provisionally released on 31 journalists, media outlets and activists were December and the presenter, Isidore reported. Kouwonou, was placed under judicial On 3 February, three journalists were supervision. arrested for interviewing a local authority On 11 December activist Fovi Katakou, a chief perceived to be critical of the known government critic, was arrested and government. They were released the same charged with “incitement to revolt against the day. authority of the state”, among other things. On 9 March, L’Alternative newspaper was He was provisionally released on 20 suspended for four months, after the December and placed under judicial Supreme Court’s administrative chamber supervision. upheld the suspension imposed in February MASS SURVEILLANCE by the High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HAAC). The sanction A major investigation into the leak of 50,000 followed a complaint by a minister regarding phone numbers of potential surveillance an article which alleged that he falsified targets of Pegasus spyware, revealed more documents. than 300 Togolese phone numbers on the The administrative chamber also upheld a list. Numbers included those belonging to January HAAC decision to order activists, political opponents and journalists – L'Indépendant Express newspaper to cease including Ferdinand Ayité – who were all activities after it reported on an alleged potential targets for surveillance by the theft by two ministers. The HAAC decision authorities. said the article “seriously violated rules of FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION professional conduct and ethics”. On 27 August, Paul Missiagbeto, special On 26 July, the authorities announced the adviser to government opponent and former suspension until further notice of the granting presidential contender AgbéyomMessan and renewal of NGO licences in order to Kodjo, was sentenced to 48 months in “update the regulatory framework” and prison, 24 of which were suspended, by the “strengthen the results of NGO interventions Court of First Instance of Lomé, for “death by aligning them with government priorities”. threats, insults against representatives of For the first time since 2012, the Ministry of public authority, and dissemination of false Territorial Administration did not renew the news”. He had sent WhatsApp messages Amnesty International Report 2021/22 365