to initiate an investigation into the allegations. Sudha Bharadwaj; writer Gautam Navlakha; On 27 October, the Supreme Court ordered activists Rona Wilson, Arun Ferreira, Vernon the formation of a three-member committee Gonsalves and Sagar Gorkhe; and two to conduct an independent investigation into members of the cultural group Kabir Kala the use of Pegasus spyware for unlawful Manch: Ramesh Gaichor and Jyoti Jagtap. surveillance. They were arrested between 2018 and 2020 The names of many human rights by the National Investigation Agency (NIA), defenders, including lawyers and academics, India’s main counterterrorism agency, for were added to the government’s Union War their alleged involvement in violence during Book as “enemies of state” requiring the Bhima Koregaon celebrations near the “surveillance at all times”. The book is a city of Pune in 2018. colonial-era document which compiles The government cracked down on social information related to security threats. media and internet use by resorting to In May, the government enforced the arbitrary arrests. In February, climate activist Information Technology (Intermediary Disha Ravi was arrested for “sedition” and Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) “spreading disharmony between Rules without the necessary public communities” for sharing a social media consultation and despite pending litigation in toolkit intended to help farmers protest various courts. The Rules regulate so-called against three contentious farming laws. More Over-the-Top (OTT) platforms such as than 183 people were arrested for protesting television streaming services, as well as news against the three laws, which were passed by media platforms. They allow for the blocking parliament in 2020 with minimal and censoring of content without any consultation. The laws were repealed in legislative backing. The introduction of the December. Rules also mandated the identification of the On 9 March, Hidme Markam, a human originator of certain information on social rights activist from the Adivasi Indigenous media, effectively breaking end-to-end community, was arrested under the UAPA for encryption and violating the right to privacy. highlighting sexual violence against women India witnessed 38 government-mandated by state security forces. On 8 April, various internet shutdowns during the year. UN Special Rapporteurs wrote to the Indian Residents of Jammu and Kashmir suffered government questioning the charges against the longest internet shutdown on record from her. The government refused to share the 4 August 2019 to 5 February 2021. The legal basis for her arrest. region continued to suffer repeated internet On 21 September, Aakar Patel, a human shutdowns over concerns for national rights activist and Chair of Amnesty security and public order. The shutdowns International India, was arrested and charged caused economic loss and adversely with “creating communal disharmony” after impacted education and other service tweeting about hostility towards the Ghanchi provision. They also put human rights Muslim community, including from the ruling defenders at heightened risk of surveillance BJP. The complaint was filed by a sitting by government agencies. member of the legislative assembly who was ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS affiliated to the BJP. Hundreds of members of the Muslim Fourteen human rights activists continued to Tablighi Jamaat movement, who were be detained under the Unlawful Activities arbitrarily arrested by 11 state governments (Prevention) Act (UAPA) anti-terror for allegedly violating visa terms and legislation. They were academics Anand intentionally disregarding Covid-19 Teltumbde, Shoma Sen and Hany Babu; guidelines, were acquitted by the courts. The tribal rights activist Mahesh Raut; poet Sudhir court judgments called the prosecution Dhawale; lawyers Surendra Gadling and “malicious” and held that the state Amnesty International Report 2021/22 191