diplomat Kadyr Yusupov had been arbitrarily Obstacles to the registration of organizations deprived of his liberty and that his “credible remained. allegations of torture and ill-treatment” had NGOs and political parties in particular not been duly investigated. However, continued to face arbitrary denial of Uzbekistan ignored its call for his immediate registration for minor or questionable release and compensation. The authorities technical infringements. In August, the failed to respond promptly to complaints by Justice Ministry arbitrarily rejected the Kadyr Yusupov that he had been beaten by registration of Human Rights House, other prisoners in September and October. submitted by Agzam Turgunov and his International NGOs reported that men colleagues for the eighth time since 2019. In arrested for alleged consensual same-sex September, the group appealed the decision relationships were still being subjected to in court and resubmitted the application. forced anal examinations. GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF Violence against women, including domestic A new law On Freedom of Conscience and violence, remained widespread, but no Religious Organizations was enacted in July, comprehensive statistics were available. In without prior public consultation. It made January, the Interior Ministry released some improvements, such as simplifying information on the use of protective orders in registration of religious organizations and 2020, the year they were first introduced. A removing the administrative penalty for total of 14,774 women had received such wearing religious clothing in public. The orders, 73% of which had been granted on same month, however, five UN Special account of physical and other domestic Rapporteurs expressed concern at the violence. However, in June the Ministry continuing ban on missionary activities and rejected a request by the NGO NeMolchi for non-state-approved religious education, and information on prosecutions for violence effective censorship of religious literature. against women, claiming it was “to no The production and distribution of religious purpose”. materials was not included as a crime in the draft criminal code, but remained an LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS administrative offence. “Sodomy” remained a crime, including in the The US Commission on International draft criminal code. In response to a media Religious Freedom reported in October “that query from Qalampir.uz, in April the Interior over 2,000 individuals remain[ed] imprisoned Ministry reported that 49 individuals were by the Uzbekistan government for peacefully serving prison terms for this “crime” and practicing their religious beliefs”. receiving regular “psychological services” to FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND prevent them committing this “offence” ASSEMBLY again. Forty-four individuals were convicted of “sodomy” between 2016 and 2020. In the draft criminal code, violating the unduly restrictive rules on public assemblies and the “unlawful formation of a public VENEZUELA association or religious organization” remained crimes punishable by Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela imprisonment. Head of state and government: Nicolás Maduro Moros In March, two policy documents were approved committing the government to The ongoing human rights crisis was provide administrative and financial support compounded by the effects of the Covid-19 to civil society organizations and to improve pandemic. The policy of repression the legal framework for their operation. implemented by the government of Nicolás Amnesty International Report 2021/22 398