alike. Authorities repeatedly obstructed the reported that he had been tortured or investigation into the Beirut port explosion, otherwise ill-treated. On 19 February, the taking numerous steps to shield politicians military prosecutor filed terrorism-related and officials from the investigative judge’s charges against at least 23 detainees, 2 summonses and even prosecution. including two minors, in what Amnesty In June, a group of 53 Lebanese and International considered to be an attempt to international rights groups, including harass protesters.4 If convicted, those Amnesty International, as well as 62 survivors charged could face the death penalty. The and families of victims and firefighters, called detainees were released on bail after weeks 5 on the UN Human Rights Council to create a of detention. fact-finding investigative mechanism into the On 11 August, parliamentary police as well explosion.3 In July, Lebanese authorities as unidentified armed men attacked relatives rejected the second investigative judge’s of the victims of the port explosion and repeated requests to lift immunity for journalists.6 members of parliament (MPs) and to Security services continued to summon for question senior members of the security interrogation activists, artists and journalists forces. The MPs filed more than a dozen in relation to their online expression critical of complaints accusing the judge of political the authorities. On 4 October, the General bias and causing four suspensions of the Security (GS) summoned theatre director investigation. The judiciary dismissed most of Awad Awad for interrogation over an these complaints, but a complaint filed in improvised play, accusing him of criticizing December suspended the investigation to the president and failing to obtain GS 2022. censorship bureau approval to stage the play, The investigation into the 4 February as required under Lebanese law. He was fatal shooting of intellectual and activist subsequently released. Lokman Slim in his car in southern Lebanon had yielded no results by the end of the year. WOMEN’S RIGHTS FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Women continued to face discrimination in law and practice. Women’s rights groups AND ASSEMBLY continued to advocate for various personal Throughout the year, small protests took status and political rights, including the right place across Lebanon in reaction to fuel and to equal custody of children and for women medication shortages, and against the rising to pass on their nationality to their husband cost of living and government inaction on the and children when married to a foreign economic crisis. national. The authorities for the most part allowed In its third examination before the UN these protests to go ahead; however, in Human Rights Council, Lebanon rejected January, security forces used live several recommendations to lift its ammunition, tear gas and water cannons reservations to CEDAW, including adopting a against protesters in the northern city of unified personal status law, but partially Tripoli, after clashes with protesters who accepted a recommendation to amend its burnt municipality buildings. One protester discriminatory nationality law. was killed and 300 injured, while security forces said that over 40 of their members MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS were injured. Between 25 and 31 January, Migrant domestic workers in Lebanon, 99% 35 people were detained incommunicado in of them women, continued to suffer connection with the protests. After his discriminatory practices under the kafala release, one detainee bore signs of severe system. The economic crisis coupled with the beatings all over his body, with significant pandemic meant many migrant domestic injuries to his head, shoulders and neck, and workers were dismissed without pay, their Amnesty International Report 2021/22 231