10 years. Between January and December, 30% increase over 2020; eight were 10,362 km² of forest were cleared, 29% Indigenous people. more than 2020. In August, the National Articulation of Fires also increased in the Amazon region Indigenous Peoples (APIB) movement filed a and other biodiversity-rich biomes as the complaint before the ICC against President Brazilian state continued to dismantle Jair Bolsonaro for the crime of genocide. Also environmental protection agencies and in August, 6,000 Indigenous people from 176 mechanisms. The Conservation and ethnic groups demonstrated in the country's Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Natural capital, Brasilia, to try to halt the anti- Resources Programme lost part of its funding Indigenous agenda being pursued in the and investment fell in the prevention and National Congress. They also reiterated their control of deforestation and fires in Brazilian opposition to the “Time Framework” biomes. proposal, which was before the Supreme Attacks on the right to a healthy Court, and, if approved, could threaten the environment were also seen in legislative demarcation of Indigenous territories. initiatives. The Chamber of Deputies The government's inadequate management approved Bill 3.729/2004. If approved by the of the Covid-19 pandemic continued to Senate, this Bill will facilitate the issuing of impact the rights to life and health of environmental licences for exploration Indigenous peoples and Quilombola activities. Bill 2.633/2020 also progressed communities, who in 2020 had appealed to through the Chamber of Deputies and, if the Supreme Court for specialized and approved, could allow land tenure priority support from the state. Despite a regularization for illegal occupations of public decision in their favour from the Court, they lands. continued to report being denied the support RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, that would help them to cope with the QUILOMBOLAS AND OTHER pandemic in 2021. Covid-19 continued to TRADITIONAL COMMUNITIES spread among Indigenous peoples and Quilombola communities because of the The rights of Indigenous peoples, authorities’ failure to establish sanitary Quilombolas and other traditional barriers, to promote the removal of people communities were systematically violated. who invaded their territories and to Deforestation and fires, often resulting from implement adequate health, monitoring and the illegal appropriation of land by the social assistance measures. agribusiness, livestock, logging and mining Indigenous peoples and Quilombola sectors, impacted the rights to land and communities reported several shortcomings territory, to a healthy environment and to the in the vaccination process, such as lack of livelihoods of Indigenous peoples, information; institutional racism; Quilombolas and other traditional discrimination against Indigenous people and communities. Quilombolas who live in urban areas or The latest data from the Pastoral Land outside officially designated territories; and Commission indicated that the number of lack of coordination between state and conflicts in rural areas registered in 2020 was municipal planning and the National the highest since 1985. Land invasions, Immunization Plan. which took place despite legislation regulating territories and rights, increased by LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS 102% between 2019 and 2020; 71% of the A lack of adequate assistance, social families affected were Indigenous. Between protection and public policies left LGBTI January and November 2021, 26 people people even more at risk during the health were killed in the context of rural conflicts, a crisis. The National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals reported that Amnesty International Report 2021/22 103