children, and some 9,000 were injured. More Israeli settlers committed acts of violence than 74,000 Palestinians were displaced. with impunity. There were 118 settler attacks According to the World Bank, the housing on Palestinians in 2021, up from 84 in 2020. needs of 4,000 families, including 7,000 On 17 August, settlers threw stones at six children, whose homes were damaged or Palestinian boys having a picnic in Silat al- destroyed had not been met by December. Daher, a village near Jenin city in the West On 10 May, Israel bombed the seawater Bank. They then rammed their car into 15- desalination plant in north Gaza, cutting year-old Tareq Zbeidi and, according to his water supplies to more than 250,000 people testimony to Israeli human rights organization until it was temporarily repaired on 23 May. B’Tselem, beat him and tied him to the car’s Around midnight on 14 May, Israeli air bonnet. Israeli soldiers arrived and strikes hit the al-Atar family’s building in Beit transferred the unconscious boy to a Lahia city, killing Lamya al-Atar and her three Palestinian ambulance that his family had children aged between eight months and called. No arrests were made. seven years. RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND On 12 May, Israel banned foreign reporters REPARATION from entering Gaza, impeding independent coverage. On 15 May, an Israeli missile On 3 March, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda struck the building housing the Associated initiated an investigation into the situation in Press and Al Jazeera; journalists had been Palestine, including events since mid-June given 60 minutes to evacuate. Israel said 2014 in the OPT. Israel stated that the ICC there was a combatant command centre in had no authority and that it would not engage the basement, which the media organizations with the investigation. denied. On 27 May, the UN Human Rights Council Israeli missiles hit medical facilities and established an international commission of killed medical personnel. On 16 May, attacks inquiry into violations in the OPT and Israel. launched without warning on al-Wehda The Israeli representative to the UN district of Gaza City killed Dr Ayman Abu al- immediately announced that Israel would not Ouf, director of the Covid-19 response and cooperate. head of internal medicine at Al-Shifa hospital, FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT Gaza’s main hospital; Dr Mooein al-Aloul, a psychiatric neurologist; and at least 33 other Israeli authorities arbitrarily restricted civilians. Israel said they were unintended Palestinians’ freedom of movement. casualties of an attack on an underground GAZA STRIP military objective. On 17 May, an Israeli The blockade continued to impose collective attack hit Al-Rimal clinic, the central punishment, as it had since 2007, by laboratory for Covid-19 in Gaza, badly preventing the movement of people and affecting testing and vaccination goods. programmes. The WHO reported that 30 During the May conflict, Israel heavily health facilities were damaged in the conflict. restricted entry of trucks carrying WEST BANK humanitarian supplies. Only five fuel tankers In the occupied West Bank, including East were allowed to enter and no fuel was Jerusalem, Israeli forces killed 75 and injured allowed through the Israeli-controlled Kerem 14,679 Palestinians, according to the UN Shalom pipeline for Gaza’s power plant. OCHA-OPT, some during arrests in Israel’s Erez passenger crossing remained Palestinian homes, others during protests closed. Around 600 patients could not that were mainly against Jewish Israeli settler receive treatment outside Gaza in May. Israel activities. allowed 25,630 truckloads of construction material into Gaza, down from 45,359 in 2020. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 208