investigation, led by the State Information On 30 May, the police in Cabinda arrested and Security Services and the Criminal and detained several protesters after violently Investigation Service (SIC), uncovered ending their procession and confiscating their millions in embezzled public funds in various property, including mobile phones and bags. currencies, and other assets, in the private The demonstration was part of a larger five- homes of 24 senior government officials. The province protest against hunger, president was compelled to fire eight of them, unemployment and the unaffordable cost of most of whom were military generals and living. close to him, but public scepticism remained. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND UNLAWFUL KILLINGS ASSEMBLY Security forces used excessive force to crack Economic and social crises and human rights down on peaceful protests, killing dozens of violations fuelled an increase in protests protesters. In January, they shot and killed throughout the country. However, security dozens of activists who were peacefully forces stepped up nationwide operations to protesting against the high cost of living in prevent them from taking place. For example, the mining town of Cafunfo in Lunda Norte on 4 February, the police stopped members province. In addition to shooting at peaceful of the Contestatory Civil Society in Luanda protesters on the streets, the security forces from peacefully protesting to demand political hunted them down in surrounding alternatives to the 45-year rule of the neighbourhoods and forests. While the exact government party, the People’s Movement for numbers killed and injured remained the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). Again, on unknown, reports emerged of bodies 21 August, the police prevented civil society 1 dumped in the nearby Cuango river. groups from conducting a protest in Luanda. Although Lunda Norte province is rich in The groups, who had organized under the minerals, its residents lived in devastating consortium United Angola Movement, were poverty with poor education, health, peacefully protesting against human rights transportation, water and sanitation services. violations, increasing economic and social To survive, many people, especially young misery, and in favour of the newly announced men, practised artisanal mining of diamonds; United Patriotic Front, a union of opposition some had been killed by diamond company political parties set to challenge the MPLA in security guards over many years. Suspected the 2022 general election. perpetrators of these killings enjoyed On 30 August, the police prevented activists impunity for their crimes. from gathering in front of parliament to ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS protest against the new electoral law under parliamentary debate. On 25 September, they The authorities continued to arbitrarily arrest stopped hundreds of Angolan Student and detain peaceful protesters and Movement members from peacefully community leaders. For example, following protesting against fee increases in public and the violent repression of a peaceful protest on private secondary and post-secondary 8 February, the SIC arrested José Mateus institutions. Zecamutchima, the leader of the Lunda Attacks on media freedom continued as the Tchokwe Protectorate Movement. They authorities suspended private television accused him of “association with evil-doers channels’ licences, while opposition militants and armed rebellion” and “leading the prevented journalists from doing their work. rebellion to overthrow the government”, and On 19 April, the Ministry of transferred him from Lunda Norte to a Telecommunications, Information detention centre in Luanda. He was denied Technologies and Social Communication contact with his lawyer and remained in (MINTTICS) suspended the licences of detention. television channels Zap Viva, Vida TV and TV Amnesty International Report 2021/22 73