The UN Relief and Works Agency for were not distributed fairly and transparently, Palestine Refugees in the Near East and that only 5,533 out of 40,000 eligible (UNRWA) discovered a tunnel apparently hardship cases in the Gaza Strip had used by Palestinian armed groups under its received payments. Zaitoun schools in Gaza City, which was hit by Israeli missiles on 13 and 15 May. WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ RIGHTS RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND Women continued to have fewer rights than REPARATION men in relation to divorce, custody of children and inheritance. Relatives attacked On 3 March, ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda women who refused to give up their initiated an investigation into the situation in inheritance or sued for other rights relating to Palestine. On 27 May, the UN Human Rights personal status, with inadequate protection Council established an international from the authorities. commission of inquiry led by Navi Pillay to Violence against women increased in the investigate violations in the Occupied context of Covid-19 measures and the Palestinian Territories (OPT), and in Israel. worsening economic crisis. According to the The Palestinian leadership welcomed the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and establishment of the commission. Both Counselling, 28 women and girls were killed investigations aimed to cover alleged by domestic violence. On 16 June, a woman violations and crimes by the Palestinian was killed by a male relative striking her head authorities and armed groups, as well as following a dispute over inheritance in Gaza. those by Israeli authorities (see Israel and the On 8 September, representatives of OPT entry). government, civil society and UN agencies ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES pledged increased support for countering gender-based violence. After women’s The fate of six men subjected to enforced shelters were closed during Covid-19 disappearance by the Palestinian authorities lockdowns, Palestinian hospitals opened safe in the West Bank in 2002 remained rooms for women. unknown, and the authorities took no steps to DEATH PENALTY investigate. Two Israeli citizens with mental health The Hamas de facto administration passed conditions, Avera Mengistu and Hisham Al- death sentences in Gaza. No executions were Sayed, remained missing since they entered carried out. the Gaza Strip in 2014 and 2015 FAILURE TO TACKLE CLIMATE CRISIS respectively. Hamas used their detention in negotiations for the release of Palestinians While olive and grape harvests suffered for held by Israel. Hamas provided no consecutive years due to climate change, the information on the men’s health or on their Palestinian authorities did not implement ability to communicate with their families in proposals for low-resource climate adaptation Israel. farming solutions. RIGHT TO HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION The health ministry in the West Bank In the Palestinian-controlled areas of the confirmed on 2 March that it had distributed West Bank, a third of solid waste went to about 1,200 Covid-19 vaccines to high- informal landfills that lacked environmental ranking officials rather than to health protections, and only 1% of solid waste was workers. recycled. On 14 October, a West Bank-based governmental audit found that welfare payments for people affected by Covid-19 Amnesty International Report 2021/22 292