children.3 Between April and May, at least Development Community (SADC), he three unidentified migrants and nine relented to the call for the deployment of Moroccan men died during attempts to reach foreign troops to the region where, by the end the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla of the year, Mozambican, SADC and from Moroccan territory. Rwandan troops were fighting insurgents. Morocco continued to cooperate with the The “hidden debt” trial exposed, to a limited EU to prevent the irregular entry of migrants extent, the corruption scheme which drove from its territory into Europe. In June, a group the country into economic crisis, further of 15 Sudanese and Chadian asylum deepening the unpopularity of the governing seekers, including two minors, were party, the Mozambique Liberation Front. sentenced to six months in prison for VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL attempting to enter Melilla from Morocco. HUMANITARIAN LAW 1. “Morocco: Drop charges against teachers who peacefully protested Civilians were caught between three armed forces in the conflict in Cabo Delgado, in over workers’ rights”, 19 May 2. Morocco/Western Sahara: Further Information: Sahrawi Activist which more than 3,000 people have died Raped by Moroccan Forces: Sultana Khaya (Index: MDE since the conflict began. Fighters in the 29/5058/2021), 30 November armed rebel group, known locally as al- 3. “Spain/Morocco: People ‘being used as pawns’ as political games Shabaab (not thought to be related to al- turn violent”, 19 May Shabaab in Somalia) killed civilians using the most gruesome methods, looted their property, burned their homes, and kidnapped MOZAMBIQUE women and children. The Mozambican security forces abused people they were Republic of Mozambique meant to protect through harassment, Head of state and government: Filipe Jacinto Nyusi extortion, torture, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings. The Dyck Advisory The armed group known locally as al- Group, a private military company hired by Shabaab, government security forces and the government as a rapid reaction force, private military operatives continued to fired machine guns and dropped explosives commit war crimes and other serious indiscriminately from helicopters, often failing human rights violations. The authorities to distinguish between civilian and military mishandled the humanitarian crisis in Cabo targets. The death toll continued to rise 1 Delgado, seriously undermining rights to throughout the year. food, water, education, housing and health. INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE’S Violence against women and girls continued RIGHTS unchecked. Expectant mothers were treated inhumanely, and were beaten, insulted and Nearly 1 million people (primarily women, humiliated in public maternity wards. The children and older people) were internally authorities stifled activity within civic space displaced in the homes of families and through intimidation, harassment and friends and in camps in relatively secure threats against civil society activists and settlements in the south of Cabo Delgado journalists. province, where they lacked adequate access BACKGROUND to food, water, education, health and housing. Food scarcity primarily affected The armed conflict in Cabo Delgado province women and children, putting their health at remained the most critical issue, with risk. The authorities responsible for food aid President Nyusi facing criticism about his distribution demanded sexual favours from mishandling of the conflict. Under mounting displaced women in exchange for pressure from the Southern African registration, documentation and food aid. The Amnesty International Report 2021/22 261