and “inducing or seducing a male or a accession pledges to tackle corruption and female in any way to commit illegal or meet EU benchmarks to ensure a fair legal immoral actions” is a crime. system, including safeguards against political In February, Mashrou’ Leila, a Lebanese interference. In June, the European rock band whose lead singer is openly gay, Commission (EC) reported a positive trend in cancelled its planned appearance at relation to judicial reforms and the fight Northwestern University’s Doha campus for against corruption. “safety concerns” after an anti-gay online FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, backlash. ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY DEATH PENALTY In June, dozens of civil society organizations In February, the emir halted the execution of wrote to the Minister of Justice expressing a Tunisian man convicted of murder. No their wish to be fully involved in a government execution was reported. review of the regulatory framework for associations and foundations. They called for 1. Reality Check 2021: A Year to the 2022 World Cup, the State of simplified procedures to be balanced with Migrant Workers’ Rights in Qatar (Index: MDE 22/4966/2021), 16 adequate safeguards against discretionary November decisions that could threaten NGOs. 2. “In the Prime of Their Lives”: Qatar’s Failure to Investigate, Remedy In August, Bucharest Pride’s organizers and Prevent Migrant Workers’ Deaths (Index: MDE 22/4614/2021), 26 were fined after more than the permitted 500 August people joined the march. The NGO Accept 3. Joint Statement: Kenyan Labour Rights Activist Leaves Qatar After contested the fine arguing that Covid-19 Paying Hefty Fine for Publishing “False News” (Index: MDE restrictions on attendance were 22/4626/2021), 19 August disproportionate. In July, NGOs had raised 4. “Qatar: Ensure fair trial for Abdullah Ibhais”, 19 November concerns that pandemic-related restrictions on protests were not similarly applied to ROMANIA sport, cultural, religious or family events. Reporters investigating alleged irregularities and corruption in the use of public funds Republic of Romania were questioned by the Directorate for Head of state: Klaus Iohannis Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism Head of government: Nicolae Ciucă (replaced Florin in May, after a mayor lodged a criminal Cîțu in November) complaint accusing them of organizing a A statute of limitations on torture, among criminal group and blackmail – both crimes other crimes, was removed. NGOs raised punishable by up to five years in prison. concerns around the exercise of the rights NGOs warned that a dangerous precedent to freedom of association, peaceful had been set, which could undermine the assembly and expression. Healthcare right to freedom of expression. Prosecutors workers demanded increased protection closed the complaint against the reporters in against Covid-19. The media exposed June. violent pushbacks of refugees and migrants A draft law on the protection of whistle- at borders. Roma and LGBTI people blowers in the public interest – excluding continued to face systemic discrimination. whistle-blowers in private sector – remained An investigation into the unlawful CIA pending in Parliament. The Ministry of rendition and torture of Abd al-Rahim Al- Justice was criticized for overlooking several Nashiri was closed. amendments proposed by NGOs, including BACKGROUND on legal aid provision and the ability of whistle-blowers to report directly to the press. In May, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) ruled that Romania must abide by pre-EU Amnesty International Report 2021/22 308