proposing an artistic performance in a private violates economic, social and cultural rights messaging conversation that in the end never in Cuba, it does not negate Cuba’s obligations took place. He was later released on to guarantee these rights to the maximum of condition that he left Cuba. its available resources. On 11 July, the day of nationwide protests, authorities detained prisoner of conscience 1. “Cuba: Massive protests are a desperate cry to a government that Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, a member of doesn’t listen”, 12 July the San Isidro Movement which mobilized 2. “Cuba: Amnesty International names prisoners of conscience amidst initially in opposition to a law that would crackdown on protesters”, 19 August censor artists, just after he announced on 3. “Cuba: Rejection of request to protest is yet another example of social media that he intended to join the intolerance of freedom of expression”, 22 October protests. Later in the year, he contracted 4. “Cuba: Amnesty International names Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara of Covid-19 in prison and went on hunger strike the San Isidro Movement a prisoner of conscience”, 21 May in protest at his continued imprisonment. He 5. “Cuba: Amnesty International launches a holidays solidarity action in remained in prison at the end of the year. support of prisoners of conscience”, 17 December Similarly, state security officials detained 6. “Cuba: Amnesty International and artist Erik Ravelo launch ‘The José Daniel Ferrer García, activist and leader Eternal Flame’, a digital conceptual memorial in support of San of the unofficial political opposition group Isidro Movement and freedom of expression”, 29 April Patriotic Union of Cuba, as he tried to attend the demonstrations in Santiago de Cuba with CYPRUS his son. Authorities later concealed his whereabouts, potentially amounting to an enforced disappearance. Despite the Republic of Cyprus authorities' ongoing repressive policy, Head of state and government: Nicos Anastasiades throughout the year artists and activists continued to collaborate and innovate in Allegations of pushbacks of refugees and solidarity. Artist Erik Ravelo launched “The migrants continued. A leading anti-racism Eternal Flame”, a digital conceptual memorial association was threatened with dissolution. in support of artistic freedom of expression in Police used excessive force against anti- Cuba.6 corruption protesters. ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL BACKGROUND RIGHTS No progress was made during talks between The economic situation continued to Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders in April in deteriorate, with media reports of significant Geneva for the resumption of formal shortages of food, essential medicines and negotiations in relation to the settlement of other basic items. In May, the Inter-American the Cyprus problem (the continuing dispute Commission on Human Rights expressed over the administration of the island). concern over “acute and persistent food shortages in Cuba”, especially in the context REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS of the Covid-19 pandemic. Throughout the There were continued reports of pushbacks year there were electricity outages. at sea of refugees and migrants to Lebanon, At various moments in the year there were which since 2019 has regularly returned reports of hospitals being overwhelmed with Syrians to Syria, where their safety was at Covid-19 cases. However, by the middle of risk. In August, reports emerged that the the year the authorities had scaled up their authorities intercepted two boats carrying 89 vaccination programme. people and pushed the passengers back to The authorities continued to place the Syria, except for two people with health blame for shortages exclusively on the needs who were separated from their families economic embargo. Although the embargo and transferred to Cyprus. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 142