discrimination against members of the disrupted by spam intrusions and other 2 Ahmadiyya religious community. digital interruptions. BACKGROUND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS A sharp increase in Covid-19 infections in There was an ongoing pattern of violence and mid-2021 threatened access to healthcare, intimidation throughout 2021 towards with many hospitals unable to provide beds Indigenous peoples seeking to protect their or oxygen for treatment. Economic challenges lands and traditions from commercial and dissatisfaction with the government’s activities. response to the pandemic contributed to On 27 February, three leaders of the Dayak growing discontent and increased public Modang Long Wai Indigenous people in East protest. Kalimantan province were arrested during a HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS protest against a palm oil plantation company that was operating on their customary lands. At least 158 physical assaults, digital attacks, In April, members of the Sakai Indigenous threats and other forms of attack against 367 people in Riau province were met with human rights defenders were reported during violence when attempting to stop eucalyptus the year. trees being planted on their lands by private In February, father and son Syamsul Bahri security officers employed by a timber and Samsir from the Nipah Farmer company with which they had a longstanding community in North Sumatra province were dispute over land rights. Community accused of assault, arrested, and detained members attempting to block the operation for 14 days following an incident in were pushed, dragged and thrown to the December 2020 when Syamsul Bahri, the ground by the security officers. community chairman, questioned two people In a similar incident in May, members of the who were taking photographs of them Huta Natumingka Indigenous people in North working on a mangrove rehabilitation project Sumatra province were violently assaulted in the area. Local NGOs believed that the when protesting against the arrival of assault charges were linked to the men’s hundreds of private security officers sent by a activities to conserve and defend access to pulp and paper company to plant eucalyptus their community lands. They were convicted trees on the land they inhabited. Dozens of on 31 May and sentenced to two months’ community members suffered injuries in the suspended prison sentence and four months’ two incidents. probation. On 18 August, the Medan High FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Court upheld the ruling after an appeal by the prosecutor seeking the imprisonment of Authorities continued to limit the right to 1 Syamsul Bahri and Samsir. They remained freedom of expression both online and under probation at year’s end. offline. The Electronic Information and On 17 May, following their public criticism Transaction (EIT) Law was used against of the dismissal of 75 employees of individuals for their legitimate criticisms of Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication official policies or actions in at least 91 cases Commission (KPK), Busyro Muqoddas and involving 106 victims. These included Saiful Bambang Widjojanto, both former KPK Mahdi, a lecturer at the Syiah Kuala commissioners, and at least six members of University in Aceh province, who began a the NGO Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), three-month prison sentence on 2 September reported that unidentified parties had hacked after being found guilty of criticizing the their messaging app accounts. The hacks university’s hiring process in a WhatsApp occurred ahead of an ICW press conference group in 2019. He was released on 12 criticizing the dismissals, which was also October after being granted an amnesty by the president. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 194