in the city, seven masked men in black threw announced that they had thereby been fired stones at the office of the LGBTI association for their independent journalism. LIGA and damaged one of its CCTV cameras. Commentators alleged that pressure on the Police refused to open a criminal owner by the Presidential Administration had investigation into either incident until activists led to his decision. filed a complaint about police inaction. The investigation of attacks – including The six perpetrators of the 2018 attack killings – against journalists and human rights against human rights defender Vitalina Koval defenders was slow and often ineffective. – in which she was doused with red paint Court hearings continued in the high-profile causing chemical burns to her eyes – case against three persons accused of continued to enjoy impunity. In March, a planting a car bomb that killed Belarusian- court ruled that the statute of limitation had Russian-Ukrainian journalist Pavlo Sheremet expired on the charge of “causing minor (Pavel Sharamet) in July 2016. bodily harm” against two female attackers, Commentators and journalists raised doubts and closed the relevant proceedings. A over the credibility of the investigation. The parallel investigation into a hate crime defendants denied the charges, insisting that (“violation of citizens’ equality”) was pending they were politically motivated. In January, but apparently stalled. No charges were ever evidence was published suggesting that the brought against four male co-attackers. killing had been planned by the Belarusian FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION authorities. Prominent Belarusian exile Vital Shyshou, The media were generally free and diverse, head of the Belarusian House in Ukraine, although a handful of outlets were selectively was found hanged in a park in Kyiv on the targeted by the authorities in connection with morning of 3 August. He had previously their perceived pro-Russian editorial policies, complained to his colleagues of being and accused by the Security Service of followed and threatened with reprisals by 1 Ukraine (SBU) of waging an “information Belarusian security services. The Ukrainian war” against Ukraine. authorities investigated his death as The National Security and Defence Council suspicious, although no outcome was (an advisory state body) introduced so-called reported by year’s end. “personal sanctions” against parliamentarian FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY Taras Kozak, which targeted his commercial assets including three TV channels that were While the right to freedom of peaceful stripped of broadcasting licences. The assembly was generally enjoyed without decision, approved by the President, drew constraint, LGBTI activists and others criticism over its extrajudicial nature and targeted by violent groups had to rely on the arbitrary focus on media enterprises – as well authorities’ willingness to protect peaceful as its application, against a Ukrainian demonstrators during and after their rallies. national and his Ukraine-based businesses, On 8 March, violent counter-protesters of a law intended for sanctioning foreign attacked participants of the International commercial entities. Women’s Day march in Kyiv. After the rally, Unfounded criminal proceedings against unidentified individuals pushed and verbally former prisoner of conscience, journalist Vasil insulted women’s rights activists, and tried to Muravitskyi, were ongoing. The risk of snatch away their posters. The activists imprisonment and physical harm by groups complained to the police who refused to open advocating discrimination and violence proceedings until lawyers stepped in. A forced him to leave Ukraine. formal investigation was still ongoing at year’s In November, the owner of the independent end. Kyiv Post newspaper suspended its Annual rallies in support of LGBTI rights publication with immediate effect. The staff took place from July to September in several Amnesty International Report 2021/22 382