Commission, Josep Borrell, criticized the In September, the OSCE condemned the authorities for creating a “grave humanitarian “hate campaign” against media workers, and situation”. urged the authorities to promptly investigate Between May and October, an estimated and prosecute the perpetrators. 2,000 people including families and children, The BiH Journalists Association recorded were sleeping rough, in abandoned homes, close to 300 defamation lawsuits pending factory halls and forests in Una-Sana Canton before various courts in the country, involving as the reception facilities there were claims against journalists – 80% initiated by insufficient or inaccessible at the time. In politicians – for disproportionate financial November, with EU assistance, the damages. authorities opened a new 1,500-person RIGHT TO HEALTH reception centre in Lipa. Cantonal authorities restricted the delivery Despite BiH having the highest Covid-19 of humanitarian and medical assistance to death rate per million in the Balkans, the people living outside reception centres, and authorities failed to act to secure vaccines aid organizations and individuals were after they became available. A nationwide harassed, threatened or prevented from vaccination programme was not launched 2 providing assistance. The measures until April, after the country received a imposed by the Cantonal authorities in 2020 modest supply of vaccines through the targeting asylum seekers and migrants, COVAX initiative mechanism and other including illegal restrictions to their freedom donations. The vaccination rates were below of movement and a ban on gathering in 20% at the end of the year due to public places and using public transport, widespread vaccine hesitancy and the remained in place. absence of effective campaigns to counter The asylum system remained largely misinformation. ineffective due to persisting institutional gaps VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS and extremely low recognition rates, with only three people awarded refugee status in 2021. Covid-19 and restrictive measures that were FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in place until May exacerbated gender-based violence and severely strained victims’ access Media outlets and journalists reporting about to shelters, legal aid and psychological corruption, war crimes and migration counselling. continued to operate in a hostile environment There was almost no progress on and faced serious threats and intimidation, harmonizing legislation with the Council of including by public officials. Europe Convention on combating and In May, the Chair of the BiH presidency, preventing violence against women and Milorad Dodik, called Tanja Topić, a Banja domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), Luka-based journalist, a “proven quisling” which BiH ratified in 2013. and a “German intelligence officer” after her comments critical of Milorad Dodik and his LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS political party. Other journalists, including In August, the country’s second ever Pride Borka Rudić, president of the BiH Journalists event took place in Sarajevo. There was tight Association, were the target of an online security, and no incidents. smear campaign by people close to the Party LGBTI people continued to face of Democratic Action. Nidžara Ahmetašević, discrimination in all walks of life, including a journalist and migration activist, was education, work and housing. arrested and held in police custody for No progress was made in legalizing same- several hours for allegedly “disturbing public sex unions. peace and order” after she had asked two police officers to wear face masks. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 97