All Migrant Workers and Members of Their “green Eurobond” to finance dam Families. construction. However, the country’s most In June, the government extended its climate-vulnerable populations did not seem Covid-19 vaccination campaign to migrant to benefit from these measures, and workers; before this they had to pay for assistance to cope with extreme weather vaccines. remained elusive. Pakistan fulfilled its DEATH PENALTY commitment to submit its updated and enhanced National Determined Contributions Courts continued to hand down the death ahead of the 26th Conference of the Parties penalty. No executions were reported. (COP26), stating the intention to cut Pakistan’s carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. While a welcome development, no civil PAKISTAN society groups were consulted in the decision-making process. Islamic Republic of Pakistan The unfolding crisis in neighbouring Head of state: Arif Alvi Afghanistan brought new security Head of government: Imran Khan implications for Pakistan, with the rise of Taliban-affiliated armed groups in Pakistan. While some legislative progress was made, Pakistan closed its borders to Afghans freedom of expression and dissent travelling without documents following an continued to be restricted through new laws influx of refugees. and harsher punishments. Police used FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION excessive force against protesters. Accountability for enforced disappearances Restrictions on the right to freedom of remained elusive, despite the government expression intensified, with journalists and taking some steps to criminalize the human rights defenders coming under practice. A series of highly publicized cases increased scrutiny. highlighted the ongoing problem of violence Retired Professor Muhammad Ismail was against women. Thousands of people were detained in February, following the made homeless following forced evictions. cancellation of his bail. He was targeted by BACKGROUND the authorities in connection with his daughter’s human rights advocacy. Despite The Senate unanimously passed the his ill health, hearings to grant him bail were Prevention of Torture and Custodial Death repeatedly delayed until he was released in Bill, an overdue but encouraging step for the April. campaign to criminalize torture. The Journalist Absar Alam was shot and injured Supreme Court banned the death penalty for outside his home in April. Although the prisoners with mental health disabilities. government was quick to denounce the There remained a strong emphasis on attack, the investigation remained ongoing at tackling climate change, with Pakistan the end of the year. hosting the 2021 virtual World Environment In May, three men, at least one of whom Day. Prime Minister Khan continued to was armed, broke into the home of journalist prioritize climate change mitigation both Asad Toor and physically attacked him. Days domestically and in foreign policy, and the after the attack, he was summoned for development of a National Adaptation Plan questioning by the Federal Investigation was announced. Other existing adaptation Agency for “defaming” Pakistan. Journalist and mitigation measures continued, Hamid Mir was taken off the air by his including a mass tree planting drive, broadcaster – allegedly because of pressure protection of wetlands, expanding mangrove from the state – after he called for forest cover, an electric vehicle policy and a accountability for Asad Toor’s attack. The Amnesty International Report 2021/22 286