Address at vision 65 221 The point this person was making was that it is absurd to ask us to pursue fragmentary goals in an electric world that is organized integrally and totally. The young today reject goals—they want roles—R-O-L-E- S—that is, involvement. They want total involvement. They don’t want fragmented, specialized goals, or jobs. Now that is not easy to explain or to prescribe for. I have touched upon the future of language, the future of consciousness, the future of the city, the future, perhaps, finally, of work. As a form of organized human activity, work is undergoing the most drastic changes of all; and there is nobody in the world who knows more about this than the great man sitting down here in front of me who has had a most paralyzing, I am afraid, effect upon my endeavors this afternoon, Professor Buckminster Fuller. I thought of a phrase I came across recently, “Home is where you hang your head.” Now, to have in front of me in an audience a man like Buckminster Fuller makes me feel terribly at home in that sense. I really feel shatteringly humble. I am grateful to you for your most genial attention. Thank you.