18 Pro-log to Exploration There is, it seems to us, At best, only a limited value In the knowledge derived from experience. The knowledge imposes a pattern, and falsifies, For the pattern is new in every moment And every moment is a new and shocking Valuation of all we have been. We are only undeceived Of that which, deceiving, could no longer harm…. Old men ought to be explorers… (T.S.Eliot, Four Quartets) Probing and ECO-sounding The art and science of this century reveal and exploit the resonating bond in all things. All boundaries are areas of maximal abrasion and change. The interval or gap constitutes the resonant or musical bond in the material universe. This is where the action is. To naïve classifiers a gap is merely empty. They will look for connections instead of bonds. They will seek the authors’ points of view instead of their probing of processes. Such readers will expect value judgments instead of understanding. With medieval dread they abhor vacuums. But by directing perception on the interfaces of the processes in ECO-land, all gaps become prime sources of discovery. Today’s ecological awareness is echo recognition in boundless acoustic space (Greek echo: returned sound, personified in mythology as a mountain nymph). Nothing has its meaning alone. Every figure must have its ground or environment. A single word, divorced from its linguistic ground, would be useless. A note in isolation is not music. Consciousness is corporate action involving all the senses (Latin sensus communis or “common sense” is the translation of all the senses into each other). The “meaning of meaning” is relationship. When young activists harp on “relevance,” they are asking for interface or the abrasion of dialogue; they are ECO-sounding to discover where it’s at. Truth is not matching. It is neither a label nor a “mental reflection.” It is something we make in the encounter with a world that is making us. We