Contents Introduction 1 Part I Culture as Business 1. American Advertising 11 2. The Mechanical Bride 18 3. Culture Is Our Business 31 4. Joyce, Mallarmé, and the Press 53 5. Letter to Harold Adams Innis 66 6. Postures and Impostures of Managers Past 70 Part II Print and the Electric Revolution 7. Media and Cultural Change 82 8. The Gutenberg Galaxy 90 9. Understanding Media 146 10. Is It Natural That One Medium Should Appropriate and Exploit Another? 178 11. Explorations 187 Part III Oral McLuhan 12. Address at Vision 65 208 13. Playboy Interview: “Marshall McLuhan—A Candid Conversation with the 222 High Priest of Popcult and Metaphysician of Media” 14. A McLuhan Sourcebook: Key Quotations from the Writings of Marshall 261 McLuhan 15. Explorations 287