Essential McLuhan 184 7. Magazines like the Saturday Evening Post have discovered that idea articles, written like movie scenarios shot by shot, sell better than short stories. Check the technique of such articles. RADIO 1. What was the effect of the radio on movies? On newspapers? On magazines? On language? On the concept of time? 2. How do P.A. systems relate to radio? 3. Does the P.A. system affect the visual as well? 4. What changes occurred in radio listening and programming after television? 5. Why is radio so intensely visual in effect? 6. What was the relation of radio to the rise of Fascism, politically and psychologically? 7. Why should radio exert such force among the pre-literate and the semiliterate? 8. What was the overall effect of radio among highly literate people? 9. Why does the twelve-year-old tend to turn from the television set to radio? TELEVISION 1. Engineers claim that a thousand-line television image would provide almost as high definition as the present movie image. Supposing that an equally high definition of retinal impression were achieved for television, what would be the effect of its multi-point mosaic structure over and above the retinal impression? 2. Why should the broken line of the television mosaic emphasize the sculptural contours of objects? 3. Why has sculpture traditionally been spoken of as the voice of silence? Does this mean that the sculptural object exists on the frontier between sight and sound? 4. Is there any possible line of investigation suggested by the fact that sound waves become visible on the wings of jet planes just before they break the sound barrier? Does this suggest that the various human senses are translatable one into the other at various intensities? 5. If sculpture exists on the frontier between sight and sound, does this mean that beyond that frontier is writing and architecture and enclosed or pictorial space? In a word, must the nuclear age civilize those primitive dimensions from which we emerged by means of writing and the visual organization of experience? Can this be done without mere destruction both of the primitive and of the civilized achievement?