6 Postures and Impostures of Managers Past Maneggiare (Italian)—to handle, especially to manage or train horses. Ménager (French)—to use carefully, to husband, to spare. Diehard—His not to reason why; breakdown by keeping uptight. Dropout—His but to reason why; breakthrough by keeping in touch. Politics and morals are divorced. Each of the two has its own ends, each its own means. They are not reconcilable. There is no middle position of compromise. (Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince) I put no ceiling on progress. (Alfred P.Sloan, Jr.) History is bunk. (Henry Ford) History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions, Guides us by vanities. (T.S.Eliot, “Gerontion”) History is not a compilation of facts, but an insight into a moving process of life. (S.Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture) History as Observatory of Change Today the cultural historian can reveal the hidden factors in the cultures of the past, just as the programmes of innovational processes have the means of seeing the effects of any action before it begins. The approach is that of the instantaneous testing of processes under controlled conditions. When