Postures and impostures of managers past 73 The effect of satellites is the conversion of the planet into a global theater that demands spectacular programming beyond anything conceived by the old Hollywood. The global theater demands the world population not only as audience but as a cast of participants. In Fortune Magazine, July, 1969, Tom Alexander wrote on “The Unexpected Payoff of Project Apollo.” He describes, on the one hand, the extreme fragmented hierarchical and specialized organization that went into the project, and, on the other hand, the emergency of an integral “musical” organization of all these components into an unexpected kind of “NASA Mafia.” Horse Collar and Stirrup as Extensions of Man Machiavelli is now as obsolete as Gutenberg from whom he stems. “Old Nick” was among the first to observe the psychic and social fracturing that resulted from the alphabet (“alforabit”) when speeded by the new press. Let us ask what sort of a pamphlet might have been written by an equally sharp observer when the stirrup and the horse collar were new. Lynn White has detailed the political and urban revolutions that proceeded from those medieval innovations, in Medieval Technology and Social Change. The stirrup created the feudal system, revolutionizing landholding and all the structures of social power. The knight became the invincible tank. With the horse collar came “horsepower” and the agricultural and transportation revolutions. New cities, new markets, Gutenberg, and gunpowder shot these structures to pieces by sheer speed-up and specialism. From the most ancient times the perfections of natural beauty had been the supreme focus of intellectual contemplation by those in power. The break from regarding nature as beauty to exploiting nature as a source of power and wealth came suddenly. It gathered momentum in the sixteenth century with the press and was dominant until the turn of the nineteenth century. Humpty Dumpty: China Egg on the Magazine Wall …a break-through after a long accumulation of tension, as a swollen river breaks through its dikes, or in the manner of a cloudburst… Applied to human conditions, it refers to the time when inferior people gradually begin to disappear. Their influence is on the wane; as a result of resolute action, a change in conditions occurs, a break-through… (I Ching)