Index advertising and public relations, 117 Age of Anxiety, 150 Age of Information, 171 Alexander, Tom, 78 Allen, Steve, 219 Allen, Woody, 2 Aquinas, Thomas, 119 archetypes and clichés, 121–22, 319–38, 380–81, 383 Ardrey, Robert, 350 Argüellas, José, on the I Ching, 323 Aristotle, 147, 360–61, 363 Arnold, Matthew, 65, 156 Auden,W.H., 166 Bacon, Francis, 5, 15, 73, 119, 168 Balazs, Bela, 307 Barzun, Jacques, 127 Baudelaire, Charles, 32, 33, 34, 61, 63, 89, 179, 226 Beatles, 229, 353 Bekesy, Georg von, 136–37, 138, 147 Benda, Julien, 171–72 Berkeley, Bishop, 112, 147 Bernard, Claude, 99, 363 Bernhard, Prince of the Netherlands, 2 Blake, William, 82, 159, 163 Bogen, J.E., 368, 372 Boorstin, Daniel, 78, 176 Borges, Jorge Luis, 8 Boulding, Kenneth, 164, 172 Browning, Robert, 202 Brzeska, Gaudier, 215 Butler, Samuel, 25, 81 Cage, John, 2, 225 Calloway, Cab, 275 Campbell, Jeremy, Grammatical Man, 368 Capek, Karel, In Praise of Newspapers, 65