Explorations 201 In the model sphere colors of strong hue and chroma will be at the center of the sphere, retreating colors further away. Today our engineering and town planning permit the extension of such model spheres to every area of physical experience at ground level or from the air. The color sphere or modulor is cued in with the auditory space of our oral, electronic culture. no longer exists, except as a cultural ghost for tourists. Any highway eatery with its TV set, newspaper, and magazine is as cosmopolitan as New York or Paris. The METROPOLIS today is a classroom; the ads are its teachers. The classroom is an obsolete detention home, a feudal dungeon. The metropolis is OBSOLETE The handwriting is on the celluloid walls of Hollywood; the Age of Writing has passed. We must invent a NEW METAPHOR, restructure our thoughts and feelings. The new media are not bridges between man and nature: they are nature. Gutenberg made all history SIMULTANEOUS: the transportable book brought the world of the dead into the space of the gentleman’s library; the telegraph brought the entire world of the living to the workman’s breakfast table. NOBODY yet knows the language inherent in the in terms of the new situation. Our most impressive new technological culture; we are all deaf- blind mutes words and thoughts betray us by referring to the previously existent, not to the present.