Essential McLuhan 356 discovery of the transforming power of the interval was a retrieval of the Ovidian technique of metamorphosis by the use of double plots or actions. W.B.Yeats had discussed it as the technique for creating “the emotion of multitude.” This “magical” parallelism was the mode beloved by Dante and Shakespeare. It is the pattern used by James Joyce in Ulysses to bridge the ancient and modern worlds by a continuous parallel of interface between myth and realism, order and anarchy. In the detective story Poe discovered the missing clue as the bridge for all scientific research: the Cyclopean and encyclopedic scanning of the total field by the omission of the private point of view. The bridge between the corporate scientific probe and the personal viewpoint was made by the deliberate organization of ignorance, by the suppression of data. The detective sets out to re- create an action that is perceived as flawed or breached. IT IS THE MISSING LINK THAT INSPIRES THE PARTICIPATION OF THE READER, AS IT IS THE ANARCHY OF DISEASE AND DISORDER THAT INSPIRES THE SCIENTIFIC QUEST. Since Heisenberg and Linus Pauling, the only remaining material bond is resonance. The continuum of visual space of the Euclidian kind is not to be found in the material universe. There are no connections among “particles of being” such as appear in mechanical models. Instead, there is a wide range of resonating intensities that constitute an equally wide variety of “auditory” spaces. Ancient philosophers have often imagined God as a Being whose center was everywhere with boundaries nowhere. Such also is the nature of puns and of acoustic space itself. To define is to kill, To suggest is to create. (Stéphane Mallarmé) Walter Pater recognized that “the arts aspire to the condition of music,” just as Poe invented the symbolist interval or gap that became the bridge between the structures of art and science in the twentieth century. The Japanese view the artist as one who makes bridges between old and new experience. So, in a changing world, new art is always needed to tune our perceptions to “where it’s at.” The artist of the preliterate society is a bridge between the visible and the invisible worlds. He is a “pontiff.” His work may be in dance, music, or varied materials. His art is to create designs, masks, or vortices of power and energy, which “put on” the public. As the detective reconstructs events, so the artist by retracing the processes of cognition (mimesis) bridges the world of sense and the world of awareness. James Joyce presents this cognitive bridge in monumental and dramatic form in Finnegans Wake: the entire tribal cycle of society now begins again, but awake. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS