3 Victor Knaap Christopher S. Martin €000 $000 €500 €446 $500 $442 €450 $450 €400 €341 47% $400 $339 47% €350 31% $350 31% €300 €236 $300 $235 €250 $250 €200 $200 €150 100% 69% 53% $150 100% 69% 53% €100 $100 €50 $50 €- $- Fixed On target Maximum Fixed On target Maximum Fixed pay Annual bonus Fixed pay Annual bonus Pete Kim $000 $500 $429 $450 $400 $325 48% $350 $300 $221 32% $250 $200 $150 100% 68% 52% $100 $50 $- Fixed On target Maximum Fixed pay Annual bonus Policy table for the Non-Executive Directors Purpose and Maximum Performance Element link to strategy Operation opportunity assessment Fees To attract and retain The fees of the Non- The maximum fees n/a Non-Executive Directors Executive Directors are payable are subject to an with adequate experience determined by the Board aggregate annual limit as and knowledge. based upon comparable set out in the Articles of market levels and time Association which is commitment. The Non- currently £350,000. Executive Directors do not participate in any performance-related incentive arrangements, nor do they have any entitlement to benefits or pension contributions. Directors may be paid additional amounts for services such as acting as the Senior Independent Director or as a Committee Chair. S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021 79