Financial statements Consolidated statement of profit or loss For the year ended 31 December 2021 2021 2020 Notes £000 £000 Revenue 6 686,601 342,687 Cost of sales 126,338 47,505 Gross profit 560,263 295,182 Personnel costs 7 412,537 205,135 Other operating expenses 7 49,829 30,561 Acquisition and set-up related expenses 7 83,496 14,338 Depreciation and amortisation 7 56,456 37,015 Total operating expenses 602,318 287,049 Operating (loss)/profit (42,055) 8,133 Adjusted operating profit 94,808 57,950 Adjusting items 26 (136,863) (49,817) Operating (loss)/profit (42,055) 8,133 Finance income 8 1,032 698 Finance expenses 8 (13,283) (5,735) Net finance expenses (12,251) (5,037) Loss on the net monetary position (1,344) – Loss/profit before income tax (55,650) 3,096 Income tax expense 9 (1,065) ( 7,025) Loss for the year (56,715) (3,929) Attributable to owners of the Company (56,715) (3,929) Attributable to non-controlling interests – – (56,715) (3,929) Loss per share is attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Company Loss per share (pence) 10 (10.3) (0.8) Diluted loss per share (pence) 10 (10.3) (0.8) The accompanying notes on pages 113 to 160 form an integral part of the financial statements. 108 S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021