3 Naoko Daniel Okumoto Pinto Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Age: 55 Age: 55 Date of appointment to the Board: Date of appointment to the Board: 10 December 2019 24 December 2018 Nationality: Japanese Nationality: French and British Naoko is the Managing Partner and Founder Daniel Pinto is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Niremia Collective, a wellbeing technology of Stanhope Capital, the global investment fund and leads the investment strategy along management and advisory group overseeing with the global community building. She is also approximately US$30 billion of client assets. the CEO of Amber Bridge Partners, an advisory He has considerable experience in asset firm specializing in cross-border business management and merchant banking having development, investment and operations. advised prominent families, entrepreneurs, Prior to founding Niremia Collective, she corporations and governments for over drove US investment and collective impact 25 years. community building for Mistletoe, a social Formerly Senior Banker at UBS Warburg in impact fund founded by Mr. Taizo Son, and London and Paris concentrating on mergers was an Executive Advisor at Z Corporation, a and acquisitions, he was a member of the firm’s blockchain focused fund created by Softbank/ Executive Committee in France. He was also Yahoo Japan. She was also a founding partner Chief Executive of a private equity fund backed at World Innovation Lab (WiL), a Silicon Valley/ by CVC Capital Partners. Daniel founded the Tokyo based venture capital. She was the Vice New City Initiative, a think tank comprised of President of Strategic Partnership Management the leading independent UK and European at Yahoo Inc. where she managed Yahoo’s joint investment management firms. He is the author ventures and grew annual revenues from $16m of Capital Wars (Bloomsbury 2014), a book to $520m. which won the prestigious Prix Turgot (Prix du Other current appointments: Jury) and the HEC/Manpower Foundation prize. • Board member at CoinDesk Japan Other current appointments: and EdCast • Director of Soparexo • Board advisor at Transformative Technology (Holding of Chateau Margaux) (NPO) • Director of the Independent Investment Management Initiative (IIMI) S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021 53