3 Comparison against previous year’s emissions For the year to 31 December 2020, the Group measured its global carbon footprint for the first time. As 2020 and 2021 were both abnormal years with regards to the covid-19 measurements all over the world, caution needs to be taken in comparing 2020 and 2021 figures. The Group’s reported UK energy usage for the year to 31 December 2021 was 158.574 kWh (2020: 95.800kWh), with an intensity ratio of 204.3 kg CO2e per FTE (2020: 171.98 kg CO2e per FTE). This shows that our absolute energy consumption as well as our intensity emissions have gone up in the UK specifically. However, the closure and/or limited occupancy of a number of offices in 2020 as well as 2021 due to covid-19 needs to be taken into account in any comparison of the 2020 and 2021 figures. The longer-term impact of changing working patterns (as a result of covid-19 and otherwise) on its carbon footprint is something that the Group will keep on monitoring going forwards. Methodology The Group calculated its emissions in accordance with the GHG Reporting Protocol – Corporate Standard. For the energy and emissions calculations, we have used actual data where possible. However, in some cases, estimates based on extrapolation had to be used. For example, for some of the Group’s shared offices the energy use (and cost) is shared amongst various different organisations inhabiting what is effectively the same space – and in these cases we have had to extrapolate the Group’s share of the consumption based on a headcount or other reasonable basis. To convert input energy usage data (e.g. electricity used, number of kilometres driven) to CO2, we have used the most recent and applicable available conversion factors (e.g. from DEFRA or CO2emissiefactoren.nl). For electricity consumption, those conversion factors were location-based. We have also used appropriate recognised conversion factors to convert input data for gas, district heating and company cars into kWh for the reporting of overall energy usage. The averages per FTE used in the intensity ratios are based on the average number of FTE from entities in scope throughout the year (which for 2021 was 3,824). Also note that due to covid-19 many of our offices were only open for a few months of the year and data from the home-workspaces of our employees (e.g. gas and electricity use) is not included in the reported emissions. Energy efficiency actions taken The Group continually looks for opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of its business. As an expanding business, an important element of this is new offices. Sustainability matters are taken into account in our selection and integration of new offices. For our current offices, we sent out a questionnaire in 2021 regarding sustainability measures taken. This includes for example questions on whether the local office procures green energy or has LED lighting installed. Based on this information we aim to work on a specific plan for each office since the barriers for sustainable energy consumption and efficiency are often local. Another important element regarding energy efficiency is the electricity and server use for the work the Group is doing for its clients. With the Sustainable Work pillar and specifically the Green Production Manifesto that was developed in 2021 and will be brought further during the coming years, the Group is looking to identify ways to decrease its energy consumption in this area – for example, by making algorithms smaller. These measures will not only reduce the energy consumption for the Group, but also the end-consumer. For a wider discussion of the Group’s initiatives relating to energy efficiency and sustainability please see the ESG: sustainability and corporate responsibility section of the Strategic Report (see page 16) and the 2021 Media.Monks ESG Report. Employees The Group is committed to equal opportunities and non-discrimination in all aspects of employment, regardless of age, beliefs, physical challenges, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation. The Group also complies with all applicable national and international human and labour rights within the locations in which it operates. Robust communications channels ensure that our people are kept informed of the Group’s activities, performance and future plans. S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021 95