3 The Committee considered in detail the achievements against both the financial and integration metrics as set out above and determined a formulaic bonus outcome of 57.5% of the maximum. This reflects the full achievement of the gross profit target (resulting in the full 35% for this element becoming payable), the shortfall on the EBITDA margin target (resulting in no payment for this element) and the outcomes against the various non-financial objectives (resulting in a 22.5% payout for this element). The Committee believes that this bonus outcome is consistent with the performance of the Company over the course of the year. However, as noted in the Committee Chairman’s Annual Statement on Remuneration, both the Committee and the Executive Directors were disappointed that the EBITDA margin target was not achieved and, also acknowledging the delay in publication of the results, have agreed for 2021 that no bonus should be paid. Maximum Formulaic bonus Maximum Bonus entitlement bonus calculation (% of salary) payable (000) (000) Sir Martin Sorrell 100% £100 £58 Victor Knaap 100% €210 €121 Wesley ter Haar 100% €210 €121 Peter Rademaker 100% €294 €169 Pete Kim 100% $207 $119 Christopher S. Martin 100% $207 $119 Scott Spirit 100% SGD540 SGD311 Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration as a single figure (Audited) Year to 31 Year to 31 December December 1 £000 2021 2020 Rupert Faure Walker 45 34 Paul Roy 45 34 Sue Prevezer 38 28 Daniel Pinto 38 28 Elizabeth Buchanan 38 28 Naoko Okumoto 38 28 Margaret Ma Connolly 38 28 Miles Young2 38 19 Total 318 227 Notes: 1. As disclosed in previous Directors’ Remuneration Reports, the annual fee payable to the Non-Executive Directors for 2020 was increased to £37,500 and an additional fee of £7,500 was introduced for each of the Senior Independent Director, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and Chair of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. These fees were effective from 1 January 2020. However, in response to the covid-19 outbreak it was agreed that the fees payable to the NEDs would be reduced by 50% from 1 April 2020. The fees were returned to their full levels with effect from 1 October 2020 and remained unchanged for 2021. 2. Miles Young was appointed to the Board on 1 July 2020. His fee for the year to 31 December 2020 is shown pro rata for the length of his service in the year and is inclusive of £4,688 paid in 2021 but relating to services provided in 2020. Payments for loss of office (Audited) No payments for loss of office were made during 2021. Peter Rademaker decided not to seek re-election at the AGM following Mary Basterfield’s appointment to the Board on 3 January 2022. He received no payments for loss of office but remained employed by the Company until 31 January 2022, during which time he received his salary and other benefits. He will remain on the Board as a Non- Executive Director until the conclusion of this year’s AGM. S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021 83