1 Our clients are at the core of our strategic • Our suppliers – a productive and fair thinking. It is in response to their needs that we working relationship through collaboration, seek to deliver ‘speed, quality, value’ (or ‘faster, innovation and shared values. better, cheaper’). We remain acutely focused Our key stakeholders and how we on how their needs continue to develop in the always-on 24/7 digital world we all now inhabit. engage with them It is the talent, passion and hard work of Clients our people that enable us to deliver the • Our mission for S4Capital is driven by most effective and imaginative solutions for engagement with our clients and our mantra our clients. of ‘speed, quality, value’ (or ‘faster, better, We rely on our shareowners and, to a lesser cheaper’). degree, lenders to finance our activities and the • We have combined best-in-class practices continuing expansion of our business. As such, on a single profit-centre basis, promoting engagement with them, creating value for them alignment, an integrated service offering and and shaping our future decisions based on the emphasising transparency to clients. results of our engagement with them is critical How we engage with our clients to the long-term success of the Company. • In today’s 'always-on' environment, we work What are the key interests of our alongside our clients on a day-by-day, hour- stakeholders? by-hour basis, helping them communicate • Our clients – the provision of first-party with their audiences in a continuous loop. data to fuel creative content and digital • We continuously evolve how we media planning and digital content, the communicate and deliver our services based design and development of digital creative on client feedback. content and provision of programmes to • For some clients, we co-locate or embed allow our clients to efficiently plan and our people, which not only facilitates deliver audience-focused campaigns. clear communication, collaboration • Our people – a positive environment in and teamwork, but also leaves a light which our Monks can work, physical and environmental footprint. mental health and wellbeing, investment Engagement outcome: example in personal development and career progression, support for flexible and agile As our financial results show, we continue to working, equal opportunities, inclusion build our existing and new client base, with and diversity, promoting equal pay and significant assignments from some of the honest communications. world’s top companies and at a local level. • Our shareowners – robust financial Our retention and new business rate is strong, accounts, sustainable, long-term growth often boosted by cross-practice pitches in the Company and its share price, sound and referrals. investment and combination decisions and effective communication of strategy. • Our communities – creation of social value, supporting sustainability initiatives and community employment and education. We work alongside our clients on a day-by-day, hour-by-hour basis, helping them communicate with their audiences in a continuous loop S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021 29