Improve Your Tire Data Quality When tire retailers depend on paper-based processes for everything from registering new tires to recording maintenance work, it’s not just a waste of time. It’s a minefield for mistakes. Maybe you’re wondering - ‘how bad can it really be?’ If so, the answer will shock you. When it comes to entering tire data, Here’s why. Firstly, tire data is not human-friendly - a long string of letters and numbers that are easily misread. Secondly, workers are often reading them under poor lighting, and the tires are often obscured by dirt, grease, dust or chalk. Lastly, they have a hundred other things to do! As we saw in the last chapter, the results can be severe. Poor tire data quality leads to inventory mistakes, misplaced merchandise, and can result in legal fines or even lawsuits. By equipping technicians with mobile scanning technology, errors are eliminated from these processes. Compared to the human eye, computer vision is vastly more accurate, delivering DOT reading with over 95% precision , even in the toughest conditions and when there is no internet connection. Having a handle on in-store data gives you the confidence of having: Real-time data updates on sales Full visibility and transparency. Instant, accurate tire registration Up-to-date tire inventories 12 more than 40% of all DOT registration records end up being invalid! 3