It’s practical It works on any mobile device or phone with a camera - even without an internet connection! It’s easy to use Using mobile data capture takes no training - it’s as easy as taking a photo with your own cell phone! It’s highly accurate Computer vision technology removes human errors. It’s lightning fast Each data point is scanned in a fraction of a second. What is OCR and mobile data capture? Let’s cover some quick definitions: Optical character recognition (OCR) is the technology that takes images of words, characters or numbers and converts them into machine-encoded text which can be used by businesses or individuals. In the past, this tech was limited to large, single use OCR scanners used mostly for legal documents. Mobile data capture brings this technology to any standard smartphone or mobile device with a camera. This lets users scan ‘analog’ data, like a driver’s license, a vehicle license plate or a serial number, to create a digital copy. Across the tire and automotive industries, mobile data capture is already being used to scan tire DOT numbers, vehicle identification numbers (VIN), license plates , and much more. The key benefits of mobile data capture is that: When used by tire retailers, mobile data capture can transform everyday operations, speeding up tasks, removing errors and unlocking new revenue opportunities. 10