14 Money: the Poor Man's Credit Card 142 15 Clocks: the Scent of Time 157 16 The Print: How to Dig it 170 17 Comics: Mad Vestibule to TV 178 18 The Printed Word: Architect of Nationalism 185 19 Wheel, Bicycle, and Airplane 195 20 The Photograph: the Brothel-without-Walls 204 21 Press: Government by News Leak 220 22 Motorcar: the Mechanical Bride 236 23 Ads: Keeping Upset with the Joneses 246 24 Games: the Extensions of Man 254 25 Telegraph: the Social Hormone 267 26 The Typewriter: into the Age of the Iron Whim 281 27 The Telephone: Sounding Brass or TinklingSymbol? 289 28 The Phonograph: the Toy that Shrank the National Chest 300 29 Movies: the Reel World 310 30 Radio: the Tribal Drum 324 31 Television: the Timid Giant 336 32 Weapons: War of the Icons 369 33 Automation: Learning a Living 378