Persuasive Technology Lab Web Credibility Grid Examples of elements Grid with examples that decrease credibility* Presumed Reputed Surface Earned Credibility Credibility Credibility Credibility Web Site The site tries The provider The site’s URL The site Provider to recruit was sued for does not match doesn’t give advertisers patent the provider’s contact but has none infringement name. information so far. and lost. anywhere. The site The content The site The site has Web Site shows only a got bad seems to typographical Content few hits on reviews from have more errors. •information their web an outside ads than •functionality counter. agency. information. The site has The site is The text font The site has Web Site no security reported to is either too links to pages Design protocols for have copied large or small that no longer •aesthetic transactions. the design of to read exist. •information another site. comfortably. •technical •interaction *These are working hypotheses. To date, we’ve studied only some of these variables. #69 Prepared for Luke Wroblewski ©2003, BJ Fogg. Commercial use not allowed.