11 FRANCE PRODUCES ABUNDANT, COMPETITIVELY PRICED AND DECARBONIZED ELECTRICITY, FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THAT PROTECTS THE CLIMATE. Some 93% of the electricity produced in France was decarbonized in 2023. In his 2022 Belfort speech, the President set a clear course to consol- idate Frances leadership in the energy transition, with two priorities: massive development of renew- able energy sources and new momentum for the nuclear sector. Today, this priority is clear in the objectives to deploy 100 GW of solar capacity and 40 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050, when it comes to renewables, and in the announcement of six new nuclear reactors. These investments will ensure France remains a massive producer of decarbonized energy. Having exported a net 89 TWh in 2024, France beat its own historic record, helping its European neighbours to achieve our Paris Agreement climate goals. With its very competitive current nuclear power infrastructure, massive investment in solar and wind power, and a very large and robust high and very high voltage power grid which enjoys constant investment, France offers very condu- cive economic conditions for projects requir- ing large quantities of clean electricity, such as data centres. In the context of the reform of the European electricity market and the regulatory framework replacing the French mechanism for regulated access to historic nuclear energy capac- ity (ARENH), the French Government has made the reforms needed to guarantee competitive and stable prices for businesses, protecting them from volatility linked to oil and gas prices. Several types of contract are available to countries requiring a lot of electricity, helping guarantee stable and competitive prices for five to fifteen years. This modern energy policy, seen by many actors as being at the forefront when it comes to address- ing climate and competitiveness challenges, as well as Frances good geographical position at the heart of Europe, makes the country a strategic hub for data centres, boosted by major invest- ment in supercomputers like Jean Zay and the future Alice Recoque exascale computer. Private companies like OVHcloud and Scaleway, as well as international actors like Microsoft, Amazon and Telehouse, have also invested massively in France. The bill on simplifying the business environment that will be soon be tabled before the French par- liament includes a measure to classify data cen- tres as projects of major national interest (PINM), enabling expedited administrative procedures. Government-secured PINMs enjoy faster author- ization procedures for planning and access to the electricity grid. Thanks to exceptional talents, a vibrant ecosys- tem and an ethical vision, France has earned its place as a global leader in artificial intelligence. Driven by its ambitious strategy and structural investments, it is in a position to rival the great AI nations while deploying its own vision for the technologies.

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