12 An Action Summit THE MAIN FOCUSES OF THE SUMMIT Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just an industrial and technological revolution . It has the potential to bring about a profound para- digm shift in our societies, in how we relate to knowledge, work, information, culture and even language. This technological revolution knows no borders. In this sense, artificial intelligence is a scientific, economic, cultural, political and civic issue requiring intense international dialogue involving the governments, researchers, busi- nesses, creative professionals and civil society, to ensure the science, solutions and standards that shape artificial intelligence of the society we want to build for tomorrow are developed collaboratively . And so France, at the initiative of its President, has decided to build on the momentum generated by the United Kingdom and the Republic of Korea, which organized the previous two Summits, by offering to host the AI Action Summit in Paris on 10 and 11 February 2025 . The Artificial Intelligence Summit will enable a dialogue with a large number of countries on artificial intel- ligence, including the United States, China, the major emerging countries and many partners from every continent, including Africa . It will be co-chaired with India, which is fully involved in its preparation, as a member of the steering commit- tee and the five working groups, and is co-chairing the working group on international working group on the international governance of AI. This international Summit will bring together almost 100 countries and over a thousand pri- vate sector and civil society representatives from across the world, invited on an inclusive basis in recognition of their commitment to the action promoted by the Summit and their desire to con- tribute actively to debate. The question we all face as the worlds citizens and users, start-ups and major corporations, researchers and decision-makers, artists and media outlets is ultimately a simple one: How can we massively develop artificial intelligence technologies and uses across all world countries? How can we ensure nobody is left behind and preserve our freedoms in the AI revolution? How can we ensure that uses of artificial intelligence respect our humanist values and that the technology serves society and the public interest? The stakes are sky-high: we must enable artificial intelligence to fulfil its initial promise of progress and empowerment in a context of shared trust that contains the risks inherent to technological development, while seizing every opportunity .

Artificial Intelligence Action Summit Press Kit - Page 11 Artificial Intelligence Action Summit Press Kit Page 10 Page 12