AbsenceOne: A New Approach to Leave Management and Support

AbsenceOne: A New Approach to Leave Management and Support Beginning September 1, 2021, UnityPoint Health will transition to a new process for requesting leaves of absence. Team members will visit the AbsenceOne online portal to request a leave of absence – including requests for short- and long-term disability benefits. What is AbsenceOne? AbsenceOne is a partnership between Prudential and Sedgwick to administer the Disability and Leave Programs on behalf of UnityPoint Health. UnityPoint Health’s disability insurance benefits are underwritten by The Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential). Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. is a third-party administrator providing claims services for Prudential. AbsenceOne is here to help with time away from work. Their goal is to make this process as simple as possible for team members. Why is this change happening? Partnering with AbsenceOne is the right choice because: • Life is unpredictable: AbsenceOne offers both in-person and online self-service options for reporting claims. No matter what time of day or where you are, you can reach them at (877) 467-2671 or absenceone.com/unitypointhealth. • Choices can be confusing: AbsenceOne representatives can guide team members through the absence process, answer questions about documentation and offer referrals to employee assistance (EAP) and disease management programs. They are good listeners, creative problem solvers and personal experts in the absence process. • Information is important: Absenceone.com/unitypointhealth offers easy, self-service options from any web-enabled mobile device or computer. Team members can view claim status, update information, communicate with AbsenceOne, upload documents, opt for push notifications and use direct deposit. What is the difference between disability and a leave of absence? Disability is a benefit that replaces a percentage of your base wage while you are temporarily disabled due to your own serious health condition and inability to work. A leave of absence approves you to be off work either through the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or, if not eligible, through the UnityPoint Health medical leave policy. FMLA is a Federal entitlement of unpaid job protection to care for yourself or a family member due to a serious health condition. FMLA can be taken continuously or intermittently. Please be aware that a leave of absence and disability leave both require medical information to be approved. 1

What happens to team members who are currently on disability or on a leave of absence? For UnityPoint Health team members with short-term disability claims: If a team member’s first day of absence was before September 1, 2021, the short-term disability and concurrent FMLA leave will transfer to AbsenceOne for administration. For UnityPoint Clinic and Peoria physicians, and UnityPoint at Home and Jones Regional Medical Center team members with short-term disability claims: If a team member’s first day of absence was before September 1, 2021, the short-term disability claim will remain with Prudential. The concurrent FMLA leave will transfer to AbsenceOne for administration. If a team member’s first day of absence was on or after September 1, 2021, the short-term disability claim and concurrent FMLA leave will be administered by AbsenceOne. For Marshalltown team members: Once they convert to long-term disability, their process will begin with Symetra for long-term benefits. How do team members apply for leave? Call AbsenceOne at (877) 467-2671 anytime or visit absenceone.com/unitypointhealth. When calling, team members may reach a representative by pressing 0 (zero) from the main menu during regular business hours of Monday through Friday 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. central standard time. Team members should remember to inform their supervisor of the need for leave. How do team members access the AbsenceOne portal? To access the portal, navigate to absenceone.com/unitypointhealth. If this is your first time accessing the portal, you will need to register first. To register, you will need to validate your identity by entering the requested information: • Your date of birth • Last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number • Your UnityPoint Health employee ID Once you have entered your information, you will create a unique User ID and password. This ID and password will be required to access the portal at a later time. Do team members need to apply with their state for disability and/or paid family leave? Yes. If the team member resides in any of the states below, they will need to contact the state directly as well as contact AbsenceOne. AbsenceOne will also direct employees to apply for state benefits. AbsenceOne will manage the leave of absence for the team member, but the team member will receive any potential paid benefits directly from the state. State Phone Number Website California (800) 480-3287 www.edd.ca.gov District of Columbia (DC) https://dcpaidfamilyleave.dc.gov Hawaii (808) 974-6464 https://labor.hawaii.gov/dcd/frequently-asked- questions/tdi/#3.5 Massachusetts (833) 344-7365 www.mass.gov/dfml New Jersey (609) 292-7060 https://www.nj.gov/labor/ New York (800) 353-3092 www.wcb.ny.gov Puerto Rico (787) 754-5850 www.trabajo.pr.gov Rhode Island (401) 462-8420 www.dlt.ri.gov Washington (833) 717-2273 https://paidleave.wa.gov/get-help/ 2

How will AbsenceOne communicate with team members when initial notice is received? On the first business day following the date the claim or leave is reported to AbsenceOne, AbsenceOne will contact the team member to conduct an initial contact. AbsenceOne will also mail a packet to the team member’s address that contains a welcome letter, medical certification, release of information (ROI) form and rights and responsibilities. An email notice of a new claim or leave reported will be sent to the team member’s direct leader and Human Resources Business Partner. If AbsenceOne cannot reach the team member, they will make two additional attempts within five (5) business days. If still unsuccessful, AbsenceOne will mail a letter to the team member asking them to contact them. On calendar day 13, if no medical information has been received, AbsenceOne will follow up with the team member to ensure they received the initial packet and to inform them of the medical information due date (30 calendar days from the date the initial packet was mailed). On calendar day 31, AbsenceOne will review if any medical information has been received and decide on the leave. If medical information is received before the due date, AbsenceOne will decide within two (2) business days. If medical information has not been received by day 30, AbsenceOne will deny the team member’s leave. AbsenceOne will mail a letter to the team member explaining the reason for the denial and provide information on their appeal rights. How will AbsenceOne communicate with team members regarding their disability claim decision? If the claim or leave is approved, AbsenceOne will send an approval letter to the team member and an email notification to the team member’s direct leader and Human Resources Business Partner. AbsenceOne will follow up with the team member seven (7) calendar days before the benefit end date to confirm whether they plan to return to work or if additional leave time is needed. • If the team member requests an extension, AbsenceOne will send a medical certification form along with the medical due date for documentation needed. • If no extension is requested, AbsenceOne will follow up the day after the expected return to work date with the team member’s direct leader and Human Resources Business Partner to verify the return to work. If the claim or leave is denied, AbsenceOne will make one attempt to contact the team member to explain the denial. AbsenceOne will mail a denial letter to the team member within one (1) business day and send a denial email notice to the team member’s leader and Human Resources Business Partner. The team member will have 180 days from receipt of the denial to file an appeal with AbsenceOne. There is only one level of appeal. Contact Information – AbsenceOne Business Hours: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. CST Mailing Address: PO Box 14031 Lexington, KY 40512 Telephone Number: (877) 467-2671 Fax Number: (855) 284-0535 3