How will AbsenceOne communicate with team members when initial notice is received? On the first business day following the date the claim or leave is reported to AbsenceOne, AbsenceOne will contact the team member to conduct an initial contact. AbsenceOne will also mail a packet to the team member’s address that contains a welcome letter, medical certification, release of information (ROI) form and rights and responsibilities. An email notice of a new claim or leave reported will be sent to the team member’s direct leader and Human Resources Business Partner. If AbsenceOne cannot reach the team member, they will make two additional attempts within five (5) business days. If still unsuccessful, AbsenceOne will mail a letter to the team member asking them to contact them. On calendar day 13, if no medical information has been received, AbsenceOne will follow up with the team member to ensure they received the initial packet and to inform them of the medical information due date (30 calendar days from the date the initial packet was mailed). On calendar day 31, AbsenceOne will review if any medical information has been received and decide on the leave. If medical information is received before the due date, AbsenceOne will decide within two (2) business days. If medical information has not been received by day 30, AbsenceOne will deny the team member’s leave. AbsenceOne will mail a letter to the team member explaining the reason for the denial and provide information on their appeal rights. How will AbsenceOne communicate with team members regarding their disability claim decision? If the claim or leave is approved, AbsenceOne will send an approval letter to the team member and an email notification to the team member’s direct leader and Human Resources Business Partner. AbsenceOne will follow up with the team member seven (7) calendar days before the benefit end date to confirm whether they plan to return to work or if additional leave time is needed. • If the team member requests an extension, AbsenceOne will send a medical certification form along with the medical due date for documentation needed. • If no extension is requested, AbsenceOne will follow up the day after the expected return to work date with the team member’s direct leader and Human Resources Business Partner to verify the return to work. If the claim or leave is denied, AbsenceOne will make one attempt to contact the team member to explain the denial. AbsenceOne will mail a denial letter to the team member within one (1) business day and send a denial email notice to the team member’s leader and Human Resources Business Partner. The team member will have 180 days from receipt of the denial to file an appeal with AbsenceOne. There is only one level of appeal. Contact Information – AbsenceOne Business Hours: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. CST Mailing Address: PO Box 14031 Lexington, KY 40512 Telephone Number: (877) 467-2671 Fax Number: (855) 284-0535 3