Once you have filled in 'Your full budget' Go to Box 31 in your budget. This figure shows what you have left over for your creditors. If the figure shows that you can afford the monthly payments on your debts but you are struggling to pay them, contact us for advice before you take any further action. If the figure is less than what you need to pay all the normal monthly payments on your debts, that’s okay. This guide will show you what options you have for dealing with your debts and what to do next. While you work on what to do next, cancel your normal payments to your non-priority debts. If you pay any of your non-priority debts by standing order or direct debit, you will need to cancel these too. This will help you to keep up to date with your more important commitments, such as your rent, mortgage, council tax, food and energy bills. If you are unsure which payments you need to cancel, contact us for advice. Also make sure that you have completed the Three things to do first section starting on page 4. Reduced or missed payments usually affect your credit reference file See page 92 for more information. Our research shows that more than 90% of people find it easy to cancel their non-essential direct debits. Page 26

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