Practical tips to pay less for your everyday living costs You wouldn’t choose to pay more than you need to for your everyday goods and services, but you could be doing just that. Take a look at your spending. Making a few simple changes could save you money. says that by doing a money makeover, many households can save thousands of pounds over a year. Read through the following tips and tick the ones you plan to try first. Do you spend more than you need to on your grocery bill? Groceries can be a big part of your household spending. Many of us regularly spend more than we plan to and leave the supermarket with items that we didn’t intend to buy. Planning when and how you shop will help you keep to your budget and get the most out of your money. Always check what you already have in your cupboards and fridge before you go shopping. This will help you to cut down on unnecessary spending and on what you throw away. Plan your meals for the week and write a shopping list. This will help you to focus on only buying what you need. Money Advice Service research shows that 60% of people who use a shopping list spend less in the supermarket. Remember to include items for packed lunches. It will be cheaper to make your own. Use loyalty schemes and money-off coupons. Be 'money smart' and check the unit prices (supermarkets usually put this information on the front of the shelf). Bigger jars and multi-packs aren’t always the cheapest option. Consider buying cheaper brands, especially on your regular buys. Supermarket own brands can be just as good quality as the big brand names. See if you actually notice a difference. Page 32

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