Incentives,” “Factory Incentives,” “Cash Incentives,” “Special Internet Pricing” or “Low Prices” (in reference to a vehicle price). 3. The terms “Deal,” “Special Deal,” “Special Purchase,” “Save,” “Savings” and “Incentives” can only be used when they refer directly to the lease and APR offers published in the MBUSA “Monthly Sales Program Guide” or MBUSA’s published “Fleet Programs and Guidelines.” Use of these terms in any other context warrants an infraction, including all exaggerated forms of these terms including “Huge Savings,” “Best Savings,” etc. C. Unsubstantiated Claims 1. Dealers may not publish or air disparaging communications or non-documentable/untrue claims that imply that a dealer is in a preferred position as compared with other Mercedes-Benz dealers. Dealers may not use superlatives or make claims about their Mercedes-Benz dealership without first substantiating and documenting those claims with their MBUSA Regional OfÏce. The source for any superlatives or claims that appear in consumer-oriented marketing must be shown in a disclaimer. Superlatives such as “biggest,” “best,” “largest,” “first,” “only,” “most aggressive,” “most professional,” “friendliest,” “easiest to accommodate,” “largest inventory,” “fastest growing,” and other similar phrases are often impossible to document or require significant disclaimers. 2. Dealers who did not receive the most current Mercedes-Benz “Best of the Best” award are not permitted to utilize “Best of the Best” assets in their communications. The only acceptable use of communicating the Mercedes-Benz “Best of the Best” dealer award via consumer-oriented marketing is by those dealers who have won the most current award announced. “Best of the Best” award recipients are not to communicate this accolade in a manner disparaging to other dealers. Dealers are free to include the number of times they have won the award; however, they must have won the most current award announced. Dealers can advertise this accolade from the date of announcement up until the date that the following year award winners are announced. 3. Dealers who are not named by MBUSA as an ofÏcial “AMG Performance Center” are not permitted to market themselves as such in their communications. This also includes using superlatives to imply that the dealer is in a better position to sell AMG products versus any other dealer such as “AMG Super Center,” or “AMG Headquarters.” D. Misleading Language 1. Messaging stating or implying that the dealer is in a better position to sell new Mercedes-Benz products versus any other dealer or implying the dealer has a special relationship with MBUSA is non-compliant (MBUSA corporate-owned dealerships using the following terms will also realize a strike within the MBUSA New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program). Terms relating to dealer inventory, vehicle pricing, or dealership events such as “Factory Authorized,” “Factory Unauthorized,” “Allocation (Special or Factory),” “Guaranteed Lowest Price,” “Meet or Beat,” “We will not be undersold,” “Price Guarantee” (unless the specific details of the price protection guarantee are included in the advertisement), “We will honor all dealers’ ads,” and “Bring us a competitor’s ad” are not to be used. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 7

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