2. Tier 3 marketing materials that state or imply they are the ofÏcial property of MBUSA, Mercedes-Benz, or any other Daimler AG entity are non-compliant. Content is to be explicitly disclosed as dealer-produced, and may not profess to be ofÏcial MBUSA property/content. 3. Marketing terms and images that would tend to mislead or deceive a consumer into believing that the dealer is MBUSA is considered non-compliant. Creating the appearance/impression that a website and/or social media application represents an ofÏcial web property of MBUSA, Mercedes-Benz, or any other Daimler AG entity is non-compliant. (MBUSA corporate-owned dealerships using the following terms will also realize a strike within the MBUSA New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program.) ƒ Tier 3 promotions cannot be combined with MBUSA promotions (i.e., Summer or Winter Event) nor monthly offers outlined in the Monthly Sales Program Guide as this would imply they are components of a corporately offered program. Dealers are to refrain from advertising a manufacturer-authorized event (i.e. Summer and Winter Events) outside the stated dates of event once the official event/offer has ended. Dealers must clearly designate a Tier 3 event with their DBA name and not infer it is an OEM event. ƒ Dealer websites that create the impression of being the official factory sales website to provide the illusion and/or misrepresentation that the customer is purchasing directly from MBUSA, including, by way of example, a website that contains misleading terms in its URL such as “Shop Mercedes-Benz,” “Buy Mercedes-Benz,” “eMercedes-Benz,” “eMercedes-Benz Invoice,” “Wholesale Mercedes-Benz,” “Mercedesbenzsummerevent,” “Mercedesbenzwinterevent,” “Mercedesbenzcclass,” “Mercedesbenzfleet,” or any other Mercedes-Benz naming convention or other misleading term. Acceptable registered dealer URLs beyond the dealer’s official site domain that are noted in communications must link to the dealer’s official site. A clear representation of a dealer website is one inclusive of the dealer DBA name, address and contact information clearly visible on the landing page. 4. Language that misleads a consumer as to the nature of the deal he or she can expect to obtain is non-compliant. For example, language that induces a consumer to come to a dealership to purchase a vehicle that is unlikely to be available at the dealership at the price advertised. 5. Demo vehicles or special demonstration vehicles may only be referred to as a “demo vehicle” if the said vehicle has been documented as such in NetStar. Dealers are to contact their local counsel to confirm if state or local regulations require a “demo vehicle” to be clearly communicated as a “used demo.” If under applicable state law, the Mercedes-Benz “demo vehicle” is considered a used vehicle, it must be clearly marked as a ”used demo” and separated from any new vehicle advertising. (See “1A1” for further guidelines regarding Demo vehicles.) Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 8