SEM Reference Guide: KEYWORD BUY MBUSA RESPONSIBILITY/ DEALER ACCOUNT RESPONSIBILITY/TIER 3 CATEGORY Tier/1(Corp) & Tier 2(LCP) Brand+Local Geo Terms AOI zips code only buy i.e., Mercedes‑Benz Pittsburgh National Buy On an Exact Match Basis Brand+State Name Not to buy state name Branded Terms National Buy AOI zip code only buy i.e., Mercedes‑Benz E‑Class On a Broad‑Match Basis Conquesting Tier 1: National Buy AOI zip code only buy i.e., BMW 3‑series Tier 2: DMA Level On a Broad‑Match Basis Unbranded Tier 2 Buy AOI zip code only buy i.e., Luxury SUV Market‑by‑Market Based on LCP budget On a Broad‑Match Basis Dealership Name — AOI Only Exact Match Basis H. Dealer Website URL/Meta Description Tag/and Meta Keyword Tags: Dealer must assure that all elements of their dealer website comply with AOI rules as outlined in the “Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards.” As stated throughout these standards, predatory marketing outside a dealer’s AOI is strictly prohibited. This is inclusive of predatory Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices pertaining to all dealer website body copy, URLs and Meta description/Keyword Tags which incorporate geographic references beyond the dealer’s AOI and/ or other Mercedes-Benz dealer names, or variations on their names. Such predatory SEO practices are in violation of the “Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards” regardless of the section(s) of a dealer website where this information appears. I. Local Event: ƒ A dealer is not to sponsor an event outside of their AOI. If an event falls outside of the AOI, the dealer must receive pre-approval from their MBUSA Regional Office. Exceptions: ƒ If a dealer sponsors/supports a local charity in its AOI and the charitable event is held at a venue outside the dealer’s AOI, the dealer may continue to support the charity. ƒ A dealer may sponsor a venue/event which attracts a large percentage of the dealer’s customer base, i.e., a stadium/arena sponsorship which is held outside the dealer’s AOI when the dealer within the AOI of the venue has declined the sponsorship and approval is received from MBUSA’s Regional Office. ƒ Customer invitee list must reside within a dealer’s AOI. ƒ Invite of existing customer(s) outside of AOI is to include only individuals who have a proven financial relationship with the dealer (Roadside Assistance transactions do not apply). ƒ Co-branded events are acceptable only if establishment/organization is located within the dealer’s AOI and the association is deemed brand commensurate, i.e., does not align with discount retailers. ƒ When utilizing a co-branding partner’s database for marketing, the dealer may only access those records reflective of mailing zip codes within their AOI. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 16