J. Purchasing Internet Leads from third-party vendors: Many of the third-party sites offer not only advertising opportunities but the option of buying leads, which may be a good way to uncover new prospects. A dealer may only purchase leads of consumers residing within their AOI or based on the third-party site specifications, in geographic regions contiguous to their AOI. The exception to this rule is when a consumer residing outside of a dealer’s AOI proactively submits a lead. In this instance the lead is designated to the consumer-selected dealer, regardless of the AOI, as it has been generated by a consumer action. K. Purchasing of “Zones”: Dealers are permitted to purchase a zone on 3rd party sites (i.e. Autotrader.com, Cars.com, Edmunds.com etc.) if the zone includes at least 1 zip code within the dealer’s AOI. This mimics our current spot cable buy rule. PO Box zip codes may not be purchased. L. Mass Communications: Dealer may send a mass communication (i.e. direct mail, e-mail blasts, etc.) to customers* within their DMS database. Vehicle pricing in mass communications must always reflect pricing at MSRP and/or offers stated within the “Monthly Sales Program Guide”. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 17

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